Extraction is Netflix’s most popular original movie ever, with a reported (by Netflix) 99 million accounts checking out at least two minutes of the “smorgasbord of ass-kicking.” Star Chris Hemsworth called the response to the action film “absolutely mind-blowing” and he’s getting ready to the shoot the sequel, as the Thor actor revealed on Instagram.
“Huge wins for @extractionfilm at the Taurus World Stunt Awards. Massive thanks and congrats to the incredible stunt team for putting themselves on the line, making Extraction the massive success in continues to be. Shooting for the sequel beings soon and believe it not it’ll be bigger and badder than the first. Stay tuned for more chaos!” Hemsworth wrote. The headline-worthy news here is about the sequel, but I needed to know more about the Taurus World Stunt Awards.
Extraction won Best Fight at the 2021 ceremony (over Birds of Prey and The Hunt), as well as Hardest Hit and Best Stunt Coordinator and/or 2nd Unit Director. The description for Hardest Hit reads, “Two stuntmen fall together over a 2nd story railing. They fall 6’ and hit an awning, then another 7’ to the top and side of a truck, then another 8’ to the ground. No wires were used and the stunt was all practical. The truck was padded and CGI was used to smooth out the edges of a thin pad on the ground.”
The time for a Best Stunts Oscar is now.