Don't be tired, don't be tired, my dear.
Don't give up, don't give up, my dear.
Don't say so, don't say soö
That nothing can be changed.
For what happens out there also happens at home.
Of course it's hard, of course it's hard, my dear.
And certainly we are small, certainly we are small, my dear.
And yes, it's true that others have the power to decide.
And if it can change out there it can also change here at home.
Look around, look around at the world:
People fight, struggle in the whole world.
Look at Vietnam and look at Nicaragua!
Look at Zimbabwe and at El Salvador!
The path is long, the path is long, my dear.
But don't turn back, don't turn back, my dear.
We don't have a choice, we don't have a choice,
in order that something shall change.
May we do as others have done: we do it for ourselves.
Look around you, look around you in Sweden
There are those who fight, there are those who fight in Sweden
Who struggle today, who struggle for tomorrow
Who struggle for us, who struggle for our children!
They think of you, they think of me, my dear.
And they trust you, they trust me, my dear.
They hope and believe that we
Don't only think of ourselves.
And when we get there already a whole lot has been changed.
I believe when we get there
already a whole lot has been changed!