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Uriah Heep lyrics
Confession [Croatian translation]
Tako mi je žao zbog svega što sam učinio i vremena kad je sve pomalo pošlo po krivu pokušaj shvatiti da sam planirao stvari mislivši na ljubav prema t...
Confession [Dutch translation]
Ik heb spijt van de dingen die ik gedaan heb en de keren dat 't een beetje verkeerd ging. Probeer te begrijpen dat ik mijn plannen gesmeed heb mijn li...
Confession [French translation]
Je suis tellement désolé pour ce que j'ai fait Et pour les fois où c'est allé un peu de travers, Essaie de comprendre Que j'ai élaborer des plans En g...
Confession [Russian translation]
Ты прости за то, что сделал я,- Было так, немножко был неправ. Ты меня пойми, Ведь я строил жизнь С любовью к тебе в душе. Бывало, что ты заблуждалась...
Cross That Line lyrics
What do you say To a talk over dinner Though we haven't Spoken for a while This time I won't take no For an answer You can't hide forever From your on...
Cry Freedom lyrics
She told the story I listened with my eyes closed So sad but so true She whispered softly I asked her why she did so She knew that I knew She was a sk...
Crystal Ball lyrics
Do we live our lives in moderation? Does this appear when you're around? And the deeper in debt The harder the bet Your thoughts are one of a clown Lo...
Devil's Daughter lyrics
I don't believe in Your kind of affection Your taking me In the wrong direction Don't give me none of That holy water Comin'on like you're The devil's...
Different World lyrics
You can't stop a man from learning I could write the book of love Captured moments there Between me and you Then I had the thought of leavin' It was a...
Do You Know lyrics
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh All you seem to want to do is break my heart Seems to me we're a lot...
Dream On lyrics
Being, in love... Been traveling this road for so long My eyes are tired, but I carry on. The sun lays down …its golden threads. I need a place …to re...
Dream On [Dutch translation]
Verliefd zijn... Ik heb deze weg al zo lang afgereisd Mijn ogen zijn moe, maar ik ga door. De zon verlegt ...haar gouden draden. Ik heb een plek nodig...
Dream On [Russian translation]
Будучи в любви Дорóгой/ «По жизни» я шёл… до тех пор, Пока глаза не устали, но... «Дождём лучей»… бьёт Солнце вниз (И Солнце бьёт – дождём золотым)… Г...
Dreamer lyrics
I've got a dollar deal Hidden down in my shoe So listen friends I tell you what I'm gonna do I'm gonna run up the road of mystery Hangin' by a thread ...
DreamMare lyrics
Grinning demons, smiling sideways Laughing in my face Here within my troubled sleep There’s such a lonely place Running fast but never moving I can’t ...
DreamMare [German translation]
Grinsende Dämonen, schief lächelnd Lachen mir ins Gesicht Hier in meinem unruhigen Schlaf Gibt es einen so einsamen Ort Ich renne schnell, ohne je von...
DreamMare [Russian translation]
Ухмыляющиеся демоны улыбаются в сторону, А смеются мне в лицо. Здесь, в моём тревожном сне Есть такое уединенное место. Быстро бегу, но не двигаюсь с ...
Dreams lyrics
You should have seen Tuesday's dream dancing in my head For you'd have heard a thousand words that nobody have said and you'd have watched me try to r...
Dreams [Croatian translation]
Trebao si vidjeti san od utorka Kako mi pleše u glavi Jer ti si čuo tisuću stvari Koje nitko nije rekao I gledao si me kako pokušavam pobjeći Gdje sno...
Dreams [Russian translation]
Ты, должно быть, видел как во вторник сон танцевал у меня в голове, Ибо ты слышал тысячу слов, Которые никто не произносил. И ты видел, как я пытался ...
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