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Luke Kelly also performed lyrics
Raglan Road
On Raglan Road on an autumn day I saw her first and knew That her dark hair would weave a snare That I might one day rue I saw the danger, yet I passe...
Scorn Not His Simplicity lyrics
See the child With the golden hair Yet eyes that show the emptiness inside Do we know Can we understand just how he feels Or have we really tried See ...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [French translation]
Regarde cet enfant aux boucles blondes et dont les yeux s'ouvrent pourtant sur un vide intérieur. Est-ce qu'on sait, est-ce qu'on peut vraiment compre...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [German translation]
Schau das Kind Mit dem gold'nen Haar Doch Augen die die Leere in ihm zeigen Wissen wir? Können wir verstehen, was genau er fühlt? Oder haben wir es de...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Italian translation]
Guarda il bambino con i capelli d’oro ma con occhi che mostrano il vuoto dentro. Lo sappiamo, riusciamo a capire davvero come si sente, o ci abbiamo a...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Polish translation]
Widzisz dziecko o złotych włosach, lecz w jego oczach jest pustka. Czy wiemy, czy rozumiemy, co ono czuje, czy w ogóle próbowaliśmy? Spójrz teraz na n...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Spanish translation]
Mira al niño con el cabello dorado pero sin embargo ojos que muestran el vacío dentro ¿Sabemos, Podemos entender exactamente cómo se siente? ¿O lo hem...
Scorn Not His Simplicity lyrics
See the child With the golden hair Yet eyes that snow the emptiness inside Do we know Can we understand just how he feels Or have we really tried See ...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Finnish translation]
Näet lapsen Kultahiuksisen Ja silmät, jotka satavat sisäistä tyhjyyttä Tiedämmekö Voimmeko ymmärtää, miltä hänestä tuntuu Olemmeko oikeastaan edes yri...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [French translation]
Vois l'enfant Avec ses cheveux d'or Des yeux qui montrent le vide À l'intérieur-Savons nous Ce qu'il ressent Avons nous seulement essayé? Vois le main...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [German translation]
Sieh den kleinen Jungen Mit dem goldenen Haar, Doch Augen, die kalte Leere offenbaren in seinem Inneren. Wissen wir, Können wir verstehen, wie er sich...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Greek translation]
Κοίτα το παιδί Με τα χρυσά μαλλιά Και τα μάτια που χιονίζουν κενό μέσα Ξέρουμε; Μπορούμε να καταλάβουμε πως νιώθει; ή έχουμε προσπαθήσει αληθινά; Κοίτ...
Scorn Not His Simplicity [Swedish translation]
Se barnet Med det gyllene håret Men ändå med ögon som visar tomheten inuti Vet vi, kan vi förstå precis hur han känner Eller har vi verkligen försökt ...
English Folk - Peat Bog Soldiers
Far and wide as the eye can wonder Heath and bog are everywhere Not a bird sings out to cheer us Oaks are standing gaunt and bare. (REF:) We are the p...
Mary Black - Song for Ireland
Walking all the day near tall towers Where falcons build their nests Silver winged they fly They know the call of freedom in their breasts Saw Black H...
Song for Ireland [German translation]
Ging den ganzen Tag neben hohen Türmen entlang Wo Falken ihre Nester bauen Auf silbernen Schwingen fliegen sie Sie kennen den Ruf der Freiheit in ihre...
Song for Ireland [Turkish translation]
Yürürken bütün gün, şahinlerin yuva kurduğu Yüksek kulelerin yanında Gümüş kanatlarıyla uçar onlar, Göğüslerinde duyarlar özgürlük çığlığını Göğe yüks...
Pete Seeger - Peat Bog Soldiers
Far and wide as the eye can wander, Heath and bog are everywhere, Not a bird sings out to cheer us, Oaks are standing, gaunt and bare. [Chorus:] We ar...
Peat Bog Soldiers [Italian translation]
Far and wide as the eye can wander, Heath and bog are everywhere, Not a bird sings out to cheer us, Oaks are standing, gaunt and bare. [Chorus:] We ar...
The Pogues - The Auld Triangle
A hungry feeling Came o'er me stealing And the mice were squealing In my prison cell And that auld triangle went jingle-jangle All along the banks of ...
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