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The Killers lyrics
Here With Me [Serbian translation]
Wheels are turning I remember when you were mine Now just to reach you Baby, I'd stand in line But there's another world We're living in Tonight And t...
Here With Me [Spanish translation]
Wheels are turning I remember when you were mine Now just to reach you Baby, I'd stand in line But there's another world We're living in Tonight And t...
Here With Me [Swedish translation]
Wheels are turning I remember when you were mine Now just to reach you Baby, I'd stand in line But there's another world We're living in Tonight And t...
Here With Me [Turkish translation]
Wheels are turning I remember when you were mine Now just to reach you Baby, I'd stand in line But there's another world We're living in Tonight And t...
Human lyrics
I did my best to notice When the call came down the line Up to the platform of surrender I was brought but I was kind And sometimes I get nervous When...
Human [Croatian translation]
Dao sam sve od sebe da primijetim Kad poziv stigne niz žicu Gore do platoa predaje Bio sam donešen, ali bio sam fin I ponekad postanem živčan Kad vidi...
Human [Finnish translation]
Parhaani tein huomatakseni Kun kävi kutsu pitkin jonoa Luokse korokkeen luovutuksen minut tuotiin, mutta olin lempeä Ja toisinaan sitä jännittää Kun n...
Human [French translation]
J'ai fais de mon mieux pour remarquer Quand l'appel arrivé Sur la plateforme de l'abandon Je fus emmené mais j'étais bon Et parfois je deviens nerveux...
Human [German translation]
Hab mein Bestes gegeben, zu bemerken Dass ich an der Reihe war Man wollte mich zum Aufgeben bewegen Aber das nahmich niemandem krumm Manchmal werde ic...
Human [Greek translation]
Έκανα λάθος να παρατηρήσω Το ότι η κλήση ήρθε κάτω απ' τη γραμμή Πάνω στην πλατφόρμα της παράδοσης Με έφεραν, αλλά ήμουν καλός Και κάποιες φορές γίνομ...
Human [Greek translation]
Έβαλα τα δυνατά μου όταν ήρθε το κάλεσμα απ'τη γραμμή. Πάνω στην εξέδρα της παράδοσης με φέρανε αλλά ήμουν ευγενικός. Και κάποιες φορές γίνομαι νευρικ...
Human [Italian translation]
Ho fatto del mio meglio per notare Quando la chiamata si interrompe Sino alla piattaforma di resa Ci sono stato portato, ma ero un bambino E talvolta ...
Human [Portuguese translation]
Me esforcei para perceber Quando a ligação chegou Fui trazido até a plataforma para me render Mas fui gentil E às vezes fico nervoso Quando vejo uma p...
Human [Spanish translation]
Hice mi mejor esfuerzo por darme cuenta cuando entró aquella llamada hasta la plataforma de la rendición me llevaron, pero fui amable y a veces me dan...
Human [Swedish translation]
Jag försökte mitt bästa för att märka När telefonsamtalet kom längs linjen Upp till plattformen av underkastelse Fördes jag men jag var vänlig Och ibl...
Human [Turkish translation]
Elimden gelenin en iyisini yaptım dikkat etmek için Telefon dolanıp geldiğinde Teslimiyet sahnesine doğru Beni getirmişlerdi ama şefkatliydim Ve bazen...
I Can't Stay lyrics
The emotion it was electric And the stars, they all aligned I knew I had to make my decision But I never made the time No, I never made the time In th...
I feel it in my bones lyrics
Dear Santa, I’m writing you a letter, I’m sure you’ve got it all figured out. Things haven’t been easy Between me and you, I guess that there are thin...
I feel it in my bones [Hungarian translation]
Kedves Télapó, Írok neked egy levelet Biztos vagyok benne,hogy az egészet előre tudod. A dolgok nem mentek egyszerűen Köztünk, Tudom,hogy vannak itt d...
I feel it in my bones [Spanish translation]
Querido Santa, te escribo una carta, estoy seguro de que ya lo has descubierto. Las cosas no han sido fáciles entre tú y yo. Creo que hay cosas que no...
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