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Tarja Turunen lyrics
Feliz Navidad [Romanian translation]
Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Próspero año y felicidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Feliz Navidad Próspero año y felicidad I wanna wish you...
Goldfinger lyrics
Goldfinger He's the man, the man with the Midas touch A spider's touch Such a cold finger Beckons you to enter his web of sin But don't go in Golden w...
Goldfinger [German translation]
Goldfinger He's the man, the man with the Midas touch A spider's touch Such a cold finger Beckons you to enter his web of sin But don't go in Golden w...
Goodbye Stranger lyrics
Let it go, let it go! Why crave to hold your breath? Take it slow, take it slow There is no life in death It is time, it is time To leave the past beh...
Goodbye Stranger [French translation]
Let it go, let it go! Why crave to hold your breath? Take it slow, take it slow There is no life in death It is time, it is time To leave the past beh...
Happy Christmas [War Is Over] lyrics
So this is Christmas And what have you done? Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the ...
Happy Christmas [War Is Over] [Portuguese translation]
So this is Christmas And what have you done? Another year over And a new one just begun And so this is Christmas I hope you have fun The near and the ...
Heinillä härkien lyrics
Heinillä härkien kaukalon Nukkuu lapsi viaton Enkelparven tie Kohta luokse vie Rakkautta suurinta katsomaan Enkelparven tie Kohta luokse vie Rakkautta...
Heinillä härkien [English translation]
On the hay, in the bulls' trough Sleeps an innocent child The path of a flock of angels Soon leads to him To marvel at the greatest love The path of a...
House of Wax lyrics
Lightning hits the house of wax Poets spill out on the street To set alight the incomplete Remainders of the future Hidden in the yard Hidden in the y...
House of Wax [French translation]
Les éclairs frappent la maison de cire Des poètes se répandent dans la rue Pour mettre le feu aux résidus Incomplets du futur Dissimulée dans le jardi...
House of Wax [Romanian translation]
Fulgerul trăsneşte casa din ceară Poeţii se îmbulzesc afară în stradă Pentru a aprinde Rămăşiţele incomplete ale viitorului Ascuns în curte Ascuns în ...
I Feel Immortal lyrics
Whenever I wake up I'm lost and always afraid It's never the same place I close my eyes to escape The walls around me And I drift away Inside the sile...
I Feel Immortal [Czech translation]
Kdykoliv se probudím Jsem ztracená, vždy mám strach Nikdy to není stejné místo Zavírám oči, abych unikla Ale stěny mě obklopují Jsem unášena pryč Do n...
I Feel Immortal [French translation]
À mon réveil Je suis égarée et sans cesse effrayée Il ne s'agit jamais du même endroit Je ferme les yeux pour échapper Aux murs qui m'entourent Et je ...
I Feel Immortal [German translation]
Immer, wenn ich aufwache Bin ich verloren und immer verängstigt Es ist nie das gleiche Ort Ich schließe meine Augen, damit ich Den Mauern um mich heru...
I Feel Immortal [Greek translation]
Κάθε φορά που ξυπνάω Xαμένη και πάντα φοβισμενη Δεν είναι ποτέ το ίδιο μέρος Κλείνω τα μάτια μου για να ξεφύγω Τους τοίχους γύρω μου Και παρασυρομαι μ...
I Feel Immortal [Italian translation]
Ogni volta che mi sveglio Mi sento sempre persa e spaventata Non è mai lo stesso luogo Chiudo gli occhi per evadere Dalle mura che mi circondano E sci...
I Feel Immortal [Portuguese translation]
Sempre que acordo Estou perdida e sempre com medo Nunca é o mesmo lugar Fecho meus olhos para escapar Das paredes em torno de mim E eu me afasto Dentr...
I Feel Immortal [Romanian translation]
Ori de câte ori mă trezesc, Sunt pierdută şi mereu speriată Nu-i niciodată acelaşi loc, Închid ochii pentru a evada Din zidurile de care sunt înconjur...
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