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Vicentico lyrics
Usted fue siempre así, tan temperamental Usted me ha dicho tantas cosas que jamás podré olvidar Usted me hizo a mí pensar, aunque sea tarde ya lo sé L...
Usted [English translation]
You were always that way, so temperamental You have told me so many things which I never will forget You made me think on myself, although it may be l...
Usted [English translation]
You were always that way, so temperamental You've told me so many things that I'll never be able to forget You've made me think, even though it's late...
Usted [Turkish translation]
siz hep böyleydiniz, böyle huysuz bana asla unutamayacağım birçok şey söylemiştiniz beni düşündürmüştünüz,şimdi geç olsa da biliyorum olduğunuz her şe...
Algo contigo lyrics
Hace falta que te diga que me muero por tener algo contigo Es que no te has dado cuenta de lo mucho que me cuesta ser tu amigo Que no puedo acercarme ...
Algo contigo [English translation]
I need to tell you that I’m dying for having something with you It’s that you didn’t realize how much it cost me to be your friend That I can’t approa...
Algo contigo [Greek translation]
Δεν χρειάζεται να σου πω πως πεθαίνω για να έχω κάτι μαζί σου Δεν έχεις καταλάβει ότι μου είναι δύσκολο να είμαι φίλος σου είναι που δεν μπορώ να πλησ...
Algo contigo [Italian translation]
C'è davvero bisogno di dirti che muoio dalla voglia di tenere qualcosa con te? Non ti sei accorta di quanto mi costi essere tuo amico che non posso av...
Algo contigo [Romanian translation]
Am nevoie să îți spun Că mor să am ceva cu tine Nu ți-ai dat seama cât mă costă să îți fiu prieten Că nu pot să mă apropii de gura ta fără să ți spun ...
Carta a un joven poeta lyrics
si te vas a ir de casa recordá lo que es tuyo de verdad y tenélo hasta el final tengo tanto respeto por tu amor al camino que ya se que solo puedo esp...
Carta a un joven poeta [English translation]
If you go away from home Remember What's yours Truly And keep it to the end I have so much respect For your love to the road That I know I can only wa...
Creo que me enamoré lyrics
Fue un segundo tan incandescente Me sentí tan diferente y ya no pude pensar Un dolor tan hondo y cristalino, Un recuerdo del destino, una luz en la ci...
Creo que me enamoré [English translation]
It was a second so incandescent I felt so different and I couldn't think A very deep and crystalline pain A memory of destiny A light in the city I fo...
Culpable lyrics
Dejarte no fue facil para que hoy vuelvas a mi Con cara de inocente y esa voz de yo no fui Mira que adentro mio hay un deseo de venganza De hacer paga...
Culpable [English translation]
Leaving you wasn't easy for you to come back With an innocent face and that "It wasn't me" voice Look that inside of me there's a revenge desire Of ma...
El arbol de la plaza lyrics
El árbol de la plaza del barrio viejo no crece más Se ha quedado quietito todo pelado por qué será La tierra está tan seca en cualquier momento se va ...
El arbol de la plaza [English translation]
The tree of the square of the old neighbourhood grows no more It remained still all bare, why it is? The land is so dry at any moment it will break It...
Esto de quererte lyrics
Es un a obsesión esto de quererte Es una cuestión ya de vida o muerte Es mas que pasión lo que el pecho siente Es casi dolor, duele dulcemente Será, q...
Esto de quererte [English translation]
It's an obsession loving you It's a life or death matter It's more than passion what my chest feels It's almost pain, it hurts sweetly Can it be, that...
La tormenta lyrics
Ya no hay lugar para sobrevivir donde poder refugiarnos de la gran tormenta el mundo va tocando su fin el sol espejo de tu libertad donde se cruzan lo...
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