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Fall Out Boy lyrics
The Phoenix [Romanian translation]
Da-te cu vopseaua pentru lupta! Esti ca o caramida legata de mine ce ma trage in jos Aprind un chibrit si te voi arde Suntem luminile de Halloween in ...
The Phoenix [Russian translation]
Нанеси свой боевой раскрас! Ты кирпич, привязанный ко мне и тянущий на дно Чиркну спичкой и сожгу тебя дотла Мы фонари-тыквы в июле, освещаем небеса С...
The Phoenix [Serbian translation]
Намажи ратничке боје! Ти си цигла везана за мене која ме вуче надоле Креснућу шибицу и спалити те до темеља Ми смо издубљене бундеве у јулу које пале ...
The Phoenix [Spanish translation]
¡Ponte tu pintura de guerra! Tú eres un ladrillo atado hacia mí, que me arrastra hacia abajo. Enciende un fósforo y te quemaré el suelo. Somos el faro...
The Phoenix [Turkish translation]
Savaş boyanı sür! Beni aşağıya çeken bana bağlı bir tuğla gibisin Bir kibrit çak ve seni aşağıya doğru yakayım Bizler temmuzdaki jack-o-lantern gibiyi...
The Pros And Cons Of Breathing lyrics
Bury me standing under your window with the cinder block in hand Yeah cause no one will ever feel like this again And if I could move I'm sure it woul...
The Pros And Cons Of Breathing [Greek translation]
Θάψε με, ενώ κάθεσαι κάτω από το παράθυρο με το τούβλο στο χέρι Ναι, επειδή κανείς δεν πρόκειται να νιώσει έτσι ποτέ ξανά Και αν μπορούσα να κουνηθώ ε...
The Pros And Cons Of Breathing [Italian translation]
Seppelliscimi in piedi sotto la tua finestra con un mattone di cemento in mano Già, perché essuno si sentirà più così E se potessi andare avanti, sono...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over lyrics
Baby, seasons change but people don't. And I (oh) will be waiting in the back room. I'm falling for old conference people. Headlines and flash flash f...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [French translation]
Bébé, les saisons changent, mais pas les gens Et je (oh), je vais t'attendre dans l'antichambre J'en pince pour les conférenciers plus âgés, Les gros ...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Greek translation]
Μωρο μου οι εποχες αλλαζουν αλλα οι ανθρωποι οχι Και παντα θα περιμενω στο πισω δωματιο Ερωτευομαι με ανθρωπους απο παλιες συνεδριασεις Με πρωοσελιδα ...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Hebrew translation]
מאמי,עונות מתחלפות אבל אנשים לא ואני אחכה תמיד מאחורי הקלעים אני נופל תמיד על אנשי ועידות ישנים כותרות ופלאש פלאש פלאש צילום אל תשחקי אותה כאילו אי פע...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Hungarian translation]
Baby, az éveszakok változnak, de az emberek nem. És én (oh) várni foglak a hátsó szobában Rázuhanok vén konferencia tagokra Címlap és villanás-villaná...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Italian translation]
Tesoro, le stagioni cambiano, ma le persone no. ed io aspetterò sempre nella stanza sul retro. Sono noioso ma tutto si compensa con i titoli di pagina...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Spanish translation]
Nena, las estaciones cambian pero la gente no. Y yo (oh) esperare en el cuarto trasero. Caigo por la vieja conferencia de la gente. Titulares y flash,...
The Take Over, The Breaks Over [Turkish translation]
Bebeğim mevsimler değişir ama insanlar değişmez Ve seni arka odada bekleyeceğim Sıkıcıyım ama manşetler ve fotoğraflarla telafi ediyorum. Beni unutmuş...
The World's Not Waiting [For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van] lyrics
This might just be a waste of time there's no one I'd rather waste My time with than all my best friends So start the car up We'll all take turns not ...
The World's Not Waiting [For Five Tired Boys In A Broken Down Van] [Greek translation]
This might just be a waste of time there's no one I'd rather waste My time with than all my best friends So start the car up We'll all take turns not ...
This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race lyrics
I am an arms dealer Fitting you with weapons in the form of words And don't really care which side wins As long as the room keeps singing That's just ...
This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race [Bulgarian translation]
Аз съм оръжеен търговец Нагаждам ти оръжия под вида на думи И не ми пука особено, чия страна ще спечели Ако в залата продължава да се пее Просто с так...
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