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Aventura lyrics
Déjà vu [Russian translation]
Quiero revivir la pasión Que ayer mostrábamos delante de la gente Como nos abrazábamos Como me acariciabas la cara lentamente así (así) Dame una oport...
Dile al amor lyrics
[Intro] So nasty Tu grupo favorito mami [Verso 1] Cupido no te entiendo, alardeas de ejemplo De juntar corazones, un experto en conexión Te fallaron l...
Dile al amor [Bulgarian translation]
[Въведение] Много неприятно Любимата ти група, мила [1-ви Куплет] Купидоне, не разбирам, говориш за пример Да събереш сърцата, специалист си да събира...
Dile al amor [Croatian translation]
[Intro] Tako zločesto Tvoja omiljena grupa, ljepotice [Strofa 1] Kupide, ne razumijem te, hvališ se da si netko tko spaja srca, stručnjak za veze izne...
Dile al amor [Dutch translation]
Cupido, ik begrijp je niet als voorbeelden Harten samenbrengen, een expert in connecties Je pijlen waren niet raak en van al de bloemen die ik je gaf ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
So nasty Your favorite group mami Cupid, I don't understand you You brag about examples Of you joining hearts together About being an expert in making...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid I don't understand you You brag your example To unite hearts, an expert in connection You've missed some arrows, and so many violets that you ha...
Dile al amor [English translation]
so nasty Your favourite group baby Cupid I don't understand you, you boast of example about joining hearts, an expert in connection the arrows failed ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid i don't understand you You speak of examples of joining hearts. an expert in connection your arrows have missed and of so many violets that you ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid, I don't understand you For example, you brag about Being able to join hearts, an expert in connection Well, your arrows failed you And from so ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid i don't understand you for leaving of examples to join hearts. an expert en connection your arrows have missed and of so many violets that to u ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid I don't understand You flaunt your example To unite hearts, an expert in connection You've missed some arrows, and so many violets that for you ...
Dile al amor [English translation]
Cupid, I don't understand you bragging about all your examples of putting hearts together; you're an expert in aiming Your arrows missed, and from all...
Dile al amor [French translation]
So nasty Ton groupe favori, chérie Cupidon je ne te comprends pas, tu te vantes d'un exemple De rassembler des cœurs un expert en connexion Tu as raté...
Dile al amor [French translation]
Cupidon je ne te comprend pas, tu parles d'un exemple Réunir des cœurs un expert en connexions Tu as égaré quelques flèches Et tant de violettes Au po...
Dile al amor [Galician translation]
[Intro] So nasty O teu grupo favorito mami [Verso 1] Cupido non enténdoche, gábasche de exemplo Para reunir corazóns, un experto en conexión Falláronc...
Dile al amor [Italian translation]
Cupido non capisco Parli usando esempi Di unire cuori, come un esperto in connessioni Ma le tue frecce non vanno Perché di tante violette che ho regal...
Dile al amor [Polish translation]
Amor, nie rozumię przykładem się chwalisz że łączysz serca, jesteś ekspertem w połączeniach Nie trafiły twoje strzałki, i tyle fiołków ci dałem że w m...
Dile al amor [Portuguese translation]
[Intro] So nasty Teu grupo favorito mami [Verso 1] Cupido não te entendo gabas-te de exemplo De juntar corações um perito em conexão Te falharam as fl...
Dile al amor [Russian translation]
Так противно Ваша любимая группа, мама Амур я не понимаю, вы говорите о примере Чтобы собрать сердца, эксперт в связи Вы потерпели неудачу стрелки, и ...
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