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Aventura lyrics
Alexandra [Bulgarian translation]
Днес се замислих за Александра и отминалите мигове Тук съм, за да изпея Чувствата си и историята за тази, която обичам. Знам, че много пъти те разочар...
Alexandra [English translation]
Today that i make myself think of Alexandra and the moments that have passed Here i hove come to sing My emotions and my history of whom i love I know...
Alexandra [German translation]
Heute habe ich angefangen nachzudenken über Alexandra und die vergangenen Momente Ich bin hier um zu singen Meine Gefühle meine Geschichte und über we...
Alexandra [Serbian translation]
Danas teram sebe da mislim o Aleksandri i momente sto su prosli Ovde sam dosao da pevam o mojim emocijama i istorija koga volim Znam da sam razocaren ...
All Up to You lyrics
Los Lideres Akon Aventura W! Yandel! Hey it's all up to you Hey all up to you Hey all up to you All up to you (Romeo:) Si mañana te vas mañana te olvi...
All Up to You [English translation]
The Leaders Akon Aventura W! Yandel! (Akon) Hey it's all up to you Hey all up to you Hey all up to you All up to you (Romeo) If tomorrow you go, tomor...
All Up to You [English translation]
(Romeo) If you tomorrow you're gone, tomorrow you're forgotten, If tomorrow you love me, i'll escape with you, ( with you) Never do i limit myself, no...
All Up to You [German translation]
Die Führer Akon Aventura W! Yandel! (Akon) Hey es liegt ganz an dir Hey liegt ganz an dir Hey liegt ganz an dir Es liegt ganz an dir (Romeo) Wenn du m...
All Up to You [Portuguese translation]
Os Lideres Akon Aventura W! Yandel! Hey tudo depende de ti Hey tudo depende de ti Hey tudo depende de ti Tudo depende de ti (Romeo:) Se amanhã te fore...
All Up to You [Romanian translation]
Liderii: Akon, Aventura, W, Yandel! Hey, totul depinde de tine. Hey, totul depinde de tine. Hey, totul depinde de tine. Totul depinde de tine. (Romeo:...
All Up to You [Serbian translation]
Los Lideres* Akon* Aventura W!* Yandel! [Akon] Hej, sve od tebe zavisi.... Hej, od tebe zavisi.... Hej, od tebe zavisi.... Sve od tebe zavisi.... [Rom...
Amor Bonito [Novela 2] lyrics
Oye mami vive tu aventura... Una vez te escribí una canción Y en ella te pedí que se le lograra aquel amor Y hoy caminando por la calle por casualidad...
Amor Bonito [Novela 2] [French translation]
Hey ma chérie, vis ton aventure Je t’ai écrit une chanson une fois Et en elle, je t’ai demandé que fonctionne cet amour Et aujourd’hui, marchant dans ...
Amor de madre lyrics
13 de diciembre del año '80 a las 3:24 Nació un niño blanco con ojos azules cabello castaño La madre con mucho orgullo después de tanto tiempo Al fin ...
Amor de madre [Dutch translation]
13 december in het jaar 1980 om 3:24u, werd er een blank kindje geboren met blauwe ogen en bruin haar, de moeder glimlachte sinds een lange tijd vol t...
Amor de madre [English translation]
I am alone here in my cell, sad and remembering, serving a sentence because I've killed a man, Always thinking of my mother who fought all her life fo...
Amor de madre [English translation]
December 13th year 1980 at 3:24 a.m. a white boy who has light brown hair and blue eyes is born, his mother proudly smiles because of the excitation, ...
Amor de madre [French translation]
Le 13 décembre de l'an 80 à 3h24 Naquit un enfant blanc aux yeux bleus, cheveux châtains La mère avec beaucoup d'orgueil, après quelque temps, enfin s...
Amor de madre [German translation]
13ter Dezember im Jahre '80 um 3.24 Uhr Wurde ein weißer Junge mit blauen Augen Kastanienbraunen Haaren geboren Die Mutter voller Stolz nach so langer...
Amor de madre [Portuguese translation]
13 de dezembro do ano '80 às 3:24, Nasceu um menino branco com olhos azuis cabelo castanho, A mãe com muito orgulho depois de tanto tempo Enfim sorri ...
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