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John Legend lyrics
Who Did That to You? [Greek translation]
Τώρα, δεν φοβάμαι να πράξω το θέλημα του Κυρίου. Εσύ λέγεις πως δική του η εκδίκηση, αλλά εγώ ενεργώ πρώτα, εγώ θα ενεργήσω εν ονόματι του νόμου. Τώρα...
Who Did That to You? [Greek translation]
Τωρα δε φοβαμαι να κανω τη βουληση του Κυριου, λες οτι η εκδικηση ειναι δικη Του υποθεση, αλλα εγω την κανω πρωτος Τωρα θα παρω την υποθεση στα χερια ...
Who Did That to You? [Romanian translation]
Acum, nu mi-e frică să fac lucrarea Domnului Spui că răzbunarea îi aparține, dar eu o voi face primul O să am grijă de asta în numele legii Acum, dacă...
Who Did That to You? [Turkish translation]
Şimdi, Tanrı'nın işini yapmaktan korkmuyorum ''İntikam onun işi'' dersin ama bunu önce ben yapacağım. Kanun namına işimi halledeceğim, aah, ooh, Eğer ...
Who Did That to You? [Vietnamese translation]
Giờ thì, anh không ngại làm công việc của Chúa đâu, Em bảo trả thù là việc của Ngài ấy, nhưng anh sẽ ra tay trước Anh sẽ giải quyết việc của anh nhân ...
Who do we think we are? lyrics
Intro (J.Legend) Who do think we're? Baby tell me, Who do we think we're? Verse 1 (J.Legend ) We made a lot of magic it's the only way we know let's k...
Who do we think we are? [Romanian translation]
Intro (J.Legend) Who do think we're? Baby tell me, Who do we think we're? Verse 1 (J.Legend ) We made a lot of magic it's the only way we know let's k...
Who do we think we are? [Spanish translation]
Intro (J.Legend) Who do think we're? Baby tell me, Who do we think we're? Verse 1 (J.Legend ) We made a lot of magic it's the only way we know let's k...
Who do we think we are? [Turkish translation]
Intro (J.Legend) Who do think we're? Baby tell me, Who do we think we're? Verse 1 (J.Legend ) We made a lot of magic it's the only way we know let's k...
Wild lyrics
I just bought a new car One where the top goes down So we can see the stars I wanna take you so far Out past the Saturn rings And into my heart I wann...
Wild [Albanian translation]
Unë sapo bleva nje makine te re Nje te tille qe koka i shkon poshte Ashtuqe ne mundemi te shikojme yjet Une dua te te dergoj aq larg Sa te tejkalojme ...
Wild [Greek translation]
Μόλις αγόρασα καινούργιο αμάξι, ένα που η οροφή κατεβαίνει ώστε να βλέπουμε τ' άστρα Θέλω να σε πάω τόσο μακριά εκεί έξω, πέρα από τα δακτυλίδια του Κ...
Wild [Turkish translation]
Yeni bir araba aldım Üstü açık olanlardan Böylece yıldızları görebiliriz Seni çok uzağa götürmek istiyorum Satürn halkalarının ötesine Ve kalbime Seni...
You and I [Nobody In The World] lyrics
You fix your make up, just so Guess you don't know, that your beautiful Try on every dress that you own You were fine in my eyes, a half hour ago If y...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [Croatian translation]
Popravljaš šminku, tek onako Valjda ne znaš, da si lijepa Isprobavaš svaku haljinu koju imaš Bila si dobra u mojim očima, prije pola sata Ako ti tvoje...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [German translation]
Du frischst nebenbei dein Make-up auf Ich wette, du weißt nicht, dass du schön bist Probierst jedes deiner Kleider an Bereits vor einer halben Stunde ...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [Greek translation]
Φτιάχνεις το μακιγιάζ σου, ακριβώς έτσι Μάλλον δε ξέρεις πόσο όμορφη είσαι Δοκιμάζεις όλα τα φορέματα που έχεις Ήσουν μια χαρά στα μάτια μου, πριν μισ...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [Hungarian translation]
Megigazítod a sminked, csak hogy Szerintem nem tudod hogy , gyönyörű vagy Minden ruhádat felpróbálod, De a szememben fél órája is rendben voltál Ha a ...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [Persian translation]
تو آرایشت رو دقیق و مرتب درست میکنی فکر کنم خودت نمیدونی که خوشگلی تک تک لباسهات رو امتحان میکنی تو نیم ساعت پیش هم به چشم من عالی بودی اگه آینه نتونه...
You and I [Nobody In The World] [Romanian translation]
Îți împrospătezi machiajul, doar așa, Cred că nu știi că ești frumoasă, Probezi fiecare rochie pe care o ai, Arătai bine în ochii mei acum o jumătate ...
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