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Toto (USA) lyrics
Stop Loving You lyrics
Reflections in my mind, thoughts I can't define My heart is racing and the night goes on I can almost hear a laugh coming from your photograph Funny h...
Stop Loving You [Greek translation]
Συλλογισμοί στο μυαλό μου, σκέψεις που δεν μπορώ να προσδιορίσω Η καρδιά μου χτυπά γρήγορα και η νύχτα προχωρά Μπορώ σχεδόν να ακούσω ένα γέλιο ερχόμε...
Stop Loving You [Polish translation]
Przebłyski w mojej głowie, myśli, których nie mogę zebrać Moje serce szaleje, a noc trwa Niemal słyszę śmiech dochodzący z twojej fotografii Zabawne, ...
Stop Loving You [Portuguese translation]
Reflexões na minha mente, pensamentos que não posso definir O meu coração está acelerado e a noite continua Quase posso ouvir uma risada vindo da tua ...
Stop Loving You [Serbian translation]
Рефлексија у мом уму, мисли које не могу да објасним Моје срце лудује и ноћ траје Скоро да чујем смех који долази из твоје слике Смешно како изглед мо...
Straight For The Heart lyrics
Boy meets girl on the playground of life Falls in love for the very first time Late at night he sees her alone But she's the type that can never be ow...
Straight For The Heart [Dutch translation]
Jongen ontmoet meisje op 's levens speelplaats Wordt voor de allereerste keer verliefd Hij ziet haar alleen, diep in de nacht Maar zij is 't type dat ...
Straight For The Heart [Serbian translation]
Момак среће девојку на игралишту живота Заљуби се први пут Касније ноћу је види саму Али она је таква да је не може нико имати Не може да не мисли на ...
Stranger in town lyrics
I remember it was late one night In the middle of a dream Woke up in a pool of sweat Thought I heard a scream Ran over to the window sill Stuck my hea...
Two Hearts lyrics
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrong The house was empty, your pictures gone I knew you'd come back one day, our love was so stron...
Two Hearts [Italian translation]
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrong The house was empty, your pictures gone I knew you'd come back one day, our love was so stron...
Two Hearts [Japanese translation]
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrong The house was empty, your pictures gone I knew you'd come back one day, our love was so stron...
Two Hearts [Romanian translation]
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrong The house was empty, your pictures gone I knew you'd come back one day, our love was so stron...
Two Hearts [Serbian translation]
You said you would wait for me, but something went wrong The house was empty, your pictures gone I knew you'd come back one day, our love was so stron...
While My Guitar Gently Weeps lyrics
I look at you all, see the love there that's sleeping while my guitar gently weeps. I look at the floor and I know it needs sweeping. Still my guitar ...
Without Your Love lyrics
It's late at night, nothin's feelin' right Since you've gone away I think I know why you left this time, But it's still hard to say I nearly lost it, ...
Without Your Love [Dutch translation]
Het is laat in de nacht, ik heb geen goed gevoel Sedert jij bent vertrokken Ik denk te weten waarom je deze keer bent weggegaan Maar het is nog steeds...
Without Your Love [Dutch translation]
Het is laat in de nacht, niets voelt goed Sinds je weg bent Ik denk dat ik weet waarom je dit keer weg bent gegaan Maar 't is nog steeds moeilijk te z...
Without Your Love [Finnish translation]
On myöhäinen yö, mikään ei tunnu oikealta Lähtösi jälkeen Luulen tietäväni syyn lähtöösi tällä kertaa, Mutta sitä on yhä vaikea sanoa Melkein kadotin ...
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