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Toto (USA) lyrics
Hold the line [Greek translation]
Δεν είναι στον τρόπο που με κρατούσες Δεν είναι στον τρόπο που έλεγες "νοιάζομαι" Δεν είναι στον τρόπο που χρησιμοποιούσες τους φίλους μου Δεν είναι σ...
Hold the line [Hungarian translation]
az nem úgy van, ahogy ismersz az nem úgy van, mi érdekel az nem úgy van, hogy barátaimról mit tartasz az nem úgy van, hogy örökké szerelmes leszel az ...
Hold the line [Hungarian translation]
Nem azon múlik, ahogy megölelsz, Nem azon múlik, hogy azt mondod törődsz, Nem azon múlik, ahogy a barátaimmal viselkedsz, Nem azon múlik, hogy végig o...
Hold the line [Japanese translation]
[Verse 1] それは抱きしめることじゃない 思いを寄せることでもない どう僕の友人と付き合うかでもない 最後まで一緒にいることでもない どういう表情をしていたんだとか やりたいと言っていたこととも違うんだ [Chorus] 絶えず待ち続けよう 愛はいつも時間通りにくるとは限らない 絶えず待ち続...
Hold the line [Persian translation]
عشق دراین نیست کهچطور در آغوشم میگیری عشق دراین نیست که چطور میگیکه اهمیت میدی عشق در این نیست که چطور با دوستام رفتار میکنی عشق در این نیست که چطور ت...
Hold the line [Romanian translation]
[Strofa 1] Nu este în felul în care mă ții Nu este în felul în care spui că-ţi pasă Nu este în felul în care mi-ai tratat prietenii Nu este în felul î...
Hold the line [Russian translation]
Это не то, как ты держишь меня Это не то, как ты говоришь, что заботишься Это не то, как ты относишься к моим друзьям Это не то, что ты остаешься со м...
Hold the line [Serbian translation]
Ovo nije način da me zadržiš Ovo nije način da mi dokažeš da brineš Ovo nije način na koji postupaš moj prijatelju Ovo nije način da ostaneš do kraja ...
Hold the line [Spanish translation]
No es en la manera que me sostenes No es en la manera que decis que te importo No es en la manera que tratas a mis amigos No es en la manera en la que...
Hold the line [Turkish translation]
Beni tuttuğun şekilde değil Önemsediğini söylediğin şekilde değil Arkadaşlarıma davrandığın şekilde değil Sonuna kadar kaldığın şekilde değil Görünüşü...
Holyanna lyrics
Your hair's a mess, you better put on a dress And get your feet back on the ground You fix your eyes for some city guys Who wouldn't save you if you d...
Hydra lyrics
There was a man Who walked alone Searching for the girl who had just caught his "I was a fool!" he cried His mind had wandered He blinked and the sky ...
I Will Remember lyrics
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Estonian translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Estonian translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Hungarian translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Italian translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Serbian translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
I Will Remember [Spanish translation]
I was born in the land of the sun And the tall green grass And I don't understand How all this has come to pass How we've come to surround ourselves I...
Toto [USA] - I Won't Hold You Back
If I had another chance tonight I'd try to tell you that the things we had were right Time can't erase the love we shared But it gives me time to real...
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