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Toto (USA) lyrics
Anna [Serbian translation]
Anna please turn around, we'll work it out somehow Anna don't turn me down, there's still a chance if we can hold out once more 'Cause we started out ...
Could This Be Love lyrics
There was a young girl Ridin' on the wind She had all of the answers Didn't need to pretend I remember, she was the only friend I ever needed Now I wo...
Could This Be Love [Finnish translation]
Olipa kerran nuori tyttö Ratsastaen tuulella Hänellä oli kaikki vastaukset Ei tarvinnut teeskennellä Muistan, hän oli ainoa ystävä Jota koskaan tarvit...
Don't Chain My Heart lyrics
Tired and frozen I'm under your spell I thought I knew you But now I know you well I wake up beside you Move across your killing floor I need my freed...
Don't Chain My Heart [Dutch translation]
Tired and frozen I'm under your spell I thought I knew you But now I know you well I wake up beside you Move across your killing floor I need my freed...
Endless lyrics
You better wrap yourself around me It's a miracle that you've found me I can't fool myself any longer We're both willing, young and able Let's put our...
Falling in Between lyrics
I've just got to find Find a way, back home to you girl Life's been Hell to pay I can't disobey, Gotta live in my world Chorus I I hear voices calling...
Falling in Between [Serbian translation]
Samo moram pronaći Pronaći put, nazad kući do tebe devojko Život je bio pakao koji se plaća Ne smem da se usprotivim Moram da živim u svom svetu Refre...
Georgy Porgy lyrics
It's not your situation I just need contemplation over you I'm not so systematic It's just that I'm an addict for your love Not the only one that hold...
Georgy Porgy [Greek translation]
Η κατάσταση δεν σ' αφορά Απλά χρειάζομαι να κάνω διαλογισμό για σένα Δεν είμαι τόσο συστηματικός Είναι που έχω εθισμό για την αγάπη σου Δεν είμαι ο μό...
Hold the line lyrics
[Verse 1] It's not in the way that you hold me It's not in the way you say you care It's not in the way you've been treating my friends It's not in th...
Hold the line [Arabic translation]
"القطعة الأولى" ليس الأمر هو كيف تحضينني ليس الأمر هو كيف تقولين أنك تهتمين لأمري ليس الأمر هو كيف تعاملين أصدقائي ليس الأمر هو كيف بقيتي حتى النهاية ...
Hold the line [Bulgarian translation]
Не е в начина, по който ме държиш, не е в начина, по който казваш, че ти пука, не е в начина, по който се държиш с приятелите ми, не е в начина, по ко...
Hold the line [Croatian translation]
[Verse 1] Nije to u načinu na koji me držiš Nije to u načinu na koji kažeš da ti je stalo Nije to u načinu na koji si se odnosila prema mojim prijatel...
Hold the line [Dutch translation]
Het zit niet in hoe je mij vasthoudt Het zit niet in hoe je zegt dat je om me geeft Het zit niet in hoe je mijn vrienden hebt behandeld Het zit niet i...
Hold the line [Esperanto translation]
[Versaĵo 1] Ĝi ne estas en la maniero, kiel vi tenas min Ĝi ne estas en la maniero, kiel vi diras, ke vi zorgas Ĝi ne estas la maniero, kiel vi trakti...
Hold the line [Finnish translation]
[Säkeistö 1] Ei se ole tavassa jolla minua pitelet Ei se ole tavassa jolla sanot välittäväsi Ei se ole tavassa jolla ystäviäni olet kohdellut Ei se ol...
Hold the line [French translation]
[Couplet 1] Ce n'est pas dans la façon dont tu me tiens Ce n'est pas dans la façon dont tu dis que tu t'intéresses à moi Ce n'est pas dans la façon do...
Hold the line [German translation]
Es ist nicht wie du mich hältst, Es ist nicht wie du sagst du sorgst dich, Es ist nicht wie du meine Freunde behandelst, Es ist nicht wie du bis zum S...
Hold the line [Greek translation]
Δεν είναι στον τρόπο που με κρατάς Δεν είναι στον τρόπο που λες ότι ενδιαφέρεσαι Δεν είναι στον τρόπο έχεις φερθεί στους φίλους μου Δεν είναι στον τρό...
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