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Modern Talking lyrics
China In Her Eyes [German translation]
Hinterm Sonnenaufgang, da fand ich sie, meine Chinesin Grauen Wolken verleiht sie tagtäglich Farbe - meine kleine Chinesin verlass mich nicht Ach, ich...
China In Her Eyes [Hungarian translation]
A nap mögött - találok valakit - a kínai nőm, Oh Nem Felhőket fest - reggeltől estig - a kínai lány nem megy Oh nem tudom, Oh nem tudom, Oh nem tudom ...
Cinderella Girl lyrics
Oh, I saw her near Ocean Avenue Wears a t-shirt and her eyes were blue She told me that She's living in the heart of L.A. City now, mmm We went straig...
Cosmic Girl lyrics
The heart of the ocean told me, you're the only one You're like a rose in the snow, and you need the sun And my heart is crying, when your love is dyi...
Cosmic Girl [German translation]
Das Herz des Ozeans sagte mir, du bist die einzige Du bist wie eine Rose im Schnee, und du brauchst die Sonne Und mein Herz weint, wenn deine Liebe st...
Cosmic Girl [Latvian translation]
Okeāna sirds teica man, ka tu esi vienīgā Tu esi kā roze sniegā un tev vajag sauli Un mana sirds ir skumja, kad tava mīlestība mirst Kas man ir jādara...
Cosmic Girl [Russian translation]
Сердце океана сказало мне, что ты одна-единственная. Ты подобна розе в снегу, и ты нуждаешься в солнце. А моё сердце плачет, пока твоя любовь угасает....
Cry for You lyrics
Lost and by myself, all alone Life can be so cold, since you're gone Haven't seen you for so long, Feeling you're all wrong. And here, begging you, co...
Cry for You [Japanese translation]
Lost and by myself, all alone Life can be so cold, since you're gone Haven't seen you for so long, Feeling you're all wrong. And here, begging you, co...
Cry for You [Portuguese translation]
Lost and by myself, all alone Life can be so cold, since you're gone Haven't seen you for so long, Feeling you're all wrong. And here, begging you, co...
Cry for You [Romanian translation]
Lost and by myself, all alone Life can be so cold, since you're gone Haven't seen you for so long, Feeling you're all wrong. And here, begging you, co...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady lyrics
Oh, my heart is crying in the night for you Oh, my God, oh don't you feel like a fool You're fooling yourself with a millionaire You think it's love b...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Bulgarian translation]
О, моето сърце плаче в нощта за теб о, Боже мой, ти не се чувстваш дори глупаво ти заблуждаваш себе си с един милионер. Мислиш, че това е любов, но не...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Dutch translation]
O mijn hart huilt 's nachts om jou O god, voel je je niet als een dwaas Je houdt jezelf voor de gek met een miljonair Jij denkt dat het liefde is maar...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Greek translation]
Ω, η καρδιά μου κλαίει τη νύχτα για σένα Ω, Θεέ μου, ω δεν νιώθεις σαν ένας ανόητος Κοροϊδεύεις τον εαυτό σου μ΄έναν εκατομμυριούχο Νομίζεις ότι είναι...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Hungarian translation]
Oh, a szívem sír az éjszakában érted Oh, istenem, Oh ne érezd magadat bolondnak Te egymilliomossal becsapod magadat Azt hiszem, ez a szerelem, de ő ne...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Persian translation]
آه،قلبم در شب برای تو میگرید آه،خدای من آه،تو احساس حماقت می کنی تو خودت را با یک میلیونر فریب دادی تو فکر میکنی این عشق واقعی است، اما او اهمیتی نمی ...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Portuguese translation]
Oh, meu coração está chorando no meio da noite por você Oh, meu Deus, oh não se sinta uma idiota Você está se engando com um milionário Você acha que ...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Romanian translation]
Oh, inima îmi plânge în noapte după tine! Oh, Doamne, nu te simți ca o fraieră? Te păcălești singură cu un milionar, Tu crezi că te iubește, dar lui n...
Diamonds Never Made A Lady [Russian translation]
Оба на - слезы льют всю ночь напролет! Как же так - дался тебе* тот идиот! Запудрил мозги** крутой толстосум, Но до любви не дорос его ум, Гром среди ...
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