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Modern Talking lyrics
Brother Louie [Spanish translation]
Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last f...
Brother Louie [Swedish translation]
Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last f...
Brother Louie [Turkish translation]
Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last f...
Brother Louie [Turkish translation]
Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last f...
Brother Louie [Vietnamese translation]
Dear, love is a burning fire Stay, cause then the flames grow higher Babe, don't let him steal your heart It's easy, easy Girl, this game can't last f...
Can't Get Enough lyrics
Oh, Juliet is crying all the night She doesn't know what's wrong and what is right She packed her things and wants to leave her home She has a broken ...
Can't Get Enough [Romanian translation]
Oh, Juliet plânge toată noaptea, Ea nu știe ce-i rău și ce e bine, Și-a făcut bagajele și vrea să plece de acasă, Are inima frântă și e singură. Oh, J...
Can't Let You Go lyrics
You don't need nobody When you're down and so alone And there's no telephone No one calls you at your home, my baby. Oh, tell me that you need me And ...
Can't Let You Go [Romanian translation]
N-ai nevoie de nimeni Când ești deprimat și atât de singur, Și nu e niciun telefon Nu te sună nimeni acasă, iubita mea. Oh, spune-mi că ai nevoie de m...
Charlene lyrics
You were meant for me I'll give you love and ecstasy Strangers on the shore I wanna play this game no more But if you run with me Babe, to eternity Ba...
Charlene [Romanian translation]
Tu mi-ai fost sortită, Îţi voi dărui iubire şi extaz Străini pe ţărm Nu mai vreau să iau parte la acest joc Dar dacă fugi cu mine Iubito, spre veşnici...
Cheri Cheri Lady lyrics
Oh, I cannot explain Every time its the same More I feel that it's real Take my heart I've been lonely to long Oh, I can't be so strong Take the chanc...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Arabic translation]
أوه، لا أستطيع أن أشرح كل مره يحدث نفس الشيء كلما أشعر أنها حقيقه تاخذ قلبي لقد كنت وحيدا لفترة طويلة أوه، أنا لا يمكن أن اكون قوي كفايه لاغتنام الفرص...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Bosnian translation]
Oh, ne mogu objasniti Svaki put je isto Još osjećam da je stvarno Uzmi mi srce Predugo sam usamljen Oh, ne mogu biti tako jak Iskoristi šansu za roman...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Bulgarian translation]
О, не мога да го обясня всеки път това е същото все повече усещам, че това е реалност. Вземи сърцето ми аз бях самотен толкова дълго. О, не мога да бъ...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Croatian translation]
Oh, ne mogu objasniti Svaki put je isto Što više osjećam da je to stvarno Uzmi mi srce Bio sam usamljen predugo Oh, ne mogu ja biti tako jak Prihvati ...
Cheri Cheri Lady [French translation]
--- 1 --- Oh, je ne peux pas expliquer cette histoire C'est le même ... à chaque fois Je sens que tout en plus réel devient Prends mon coeur ... en te...
Cheri Cheri Lady [German translation]
Nein, ich kann's nicht erkären Jedes Mal ist's dasselbe Je mehr ich fühle, dass es wahr ist Nimm mein Herz Ich war zu lang einsam Oh, ich kann nicht s...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Greek translation]
Ο, δεν μπορώ να εξηγήσω κάθε φορά είναι το ίδιο περισσότερο αισθάνομαι ότι είναι πραγματικό πάρε την καρδιά μου Ήμουν μόνος πολύ καιρό Ο, δεν μπορώ να...
Cheri Cheri Lady [Hungarian translation]
Oh, nem tudom megmagyarázni Minden alkalommal amikor ez ugyanaz Úgy érzem ez több mint igazi Vedd el a szívem Magányos voltam hosszú ideig Oh, nem tud...
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