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Rich Mullins lyrics
If I Stand
There's more that rises in the morning Than the sun And more that shines in the night Than just the moon It's more than just this fire here That keeps...
If I Stand [Russian translation]
Гораздо больше встаёт на заре, Чем солнце И в ночи сияет куда больше, Чем просто луна И не простое пламя Согревает меня В убежище, что гораздо больше ...
If I Stand [Slovenian translation]
Zjutraj vzide več kot le sonce In več v noči sveti kot le luna In več je kot ta ogenj ki greje me V zavetju večjem od sobe te In zvestoba ki presega g...
Awesome God lyrics
F#m When He rolls up His sleeves F#m He ain't just putting on the ritz Bm7................C#m7......F#m (Our God is an awesome God) F#m There's thunde...
Awesome God [Hungarian translation]
F#m Megjelenik a dicső F#m a hatalmas és hű Bm7.............C#m7..F#m (Dicső, fenséges (az) Úr) F#m Nyomában dörgés F#m kezében villám Bm7...............
Elijah lyrics
The Jordan is waiting for me to cross through. My heart is aging, I can tell. So, Lord, I'm begging for one last favor from You - Here's my heart.Take...
Elijah [Spanish translation]
El río Jordán espera a que yo cruce Mi corazón envejece, lo noto Así que Señor, te ruego un último favor tuyo - He aquí mi corazón. Llévalo a donde Tú...
Hard to Get lyrics
You who live in Heaven hear the prayers of those of us who live on Earth, who are afraid of being left by those we love and who get hardened in the hu...
Hard to Get [Spanish translation]
Tú, que vives en el Cielo Escucha las plegarias de aquellos que vivimos en la Tierra Quienes tememos ser dejados por aquellos que amamos Y quienes se ...
Sometimes by step [Step by step] lyrics
Sometimes the night was beautiful Sometimes the sky was so far away Sometimes it seemed to stoop so close You could touch it but your heart would brea...
Sometimes by step [Step by step] [Portuguese translation]
Às vezes a noite era linda Às vezes, o céu estava tão distante Às vezes, parecia curtir-se tão perto Você poderia tocá-lo, mas seu coração iria quebra...
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