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Negramaro also performed lyrics
Io son sicuro che, per ogni goccia per ogni goccia che cadrà, un nuovo fiore nascerà e su quel fiore una farfalla volerà Io son sicuro che, in questa ...
L'immensità [Bulgarian translation]
Az sŭm siguren , che ot vsyaka kapka , ot vsyaka kapka , koyato padne , edno novo tsvete shte se rodi i vŭrkhu tova tsvete edna peperuda shte leti . A...
L'immensità [English translation]
I am sure that, for every drop For every drop that will fall, a new flower will be born And on that flower a butterfly will fly I am sure that in this...
L'immensità [English translation]
I am sure that for every drop, for every drop that will fall a new flower will bloom. And on that flower a butterfly will fly. I am sure that in this ...
L'immensità [English translation]
I'm sure that for each drop, for each fallen drop a new flower will born And on that flower a butterfly'll fly I'm sure that in this big immensity Som...
L'immensità [English translation]
I am sure that for every drop For every drop that will fall, a new flower will be born And on that flower, a butterfly will fly I am sure that in this...
L'immensità [French translation]
Je suis sûr que, pour chaque goutte, Pour chaque goutte qui tombera, une autre fleur va naître Et sur cette fleur un papillon va se poser Je suis sûr ...
L'immensità [German translation]
Ich bin sicher, dass wegen jedes Tropfens, Wegen jedes Tropfens, der fallen wird, eine neue Blume sprießen wird, Und auf jene Blume wird ein Schmetter...
L'immensità [Greek translation]
Είμαι σίγουρος ότι, για κάθε σταγόνα Για κάθε σταγόνα που πέφτει, ένα νέο λουλούδι θα γεννιέται Και σε αυτό το λουλούδι θα πετάξει μία πεταλούδα Είμαι...
L'immensità [Japanese translation]
確かに 一滴ごとに しずくが落ちるたびに 新しい花が咲く そしてその花には蝶が飛んでくる きっと この広大な永遠の中で 誰かが少しだけ私のことを思っている 忘れずに そう私は知っている 私は一生ひとりではない ある日出会うだろう 私も 少しの愛に 永遠の中では 無に等しい私にも そう私は知っている ...
L'immensità [Romanian translation]
Eu sunt sigur ca, pentru fiecare picatura pentrufiecare picatura ce va cadea, o noua floare se va naste si pe acea floare un fluture va zbura Eu sunt ...
L'immensità [Russian translation]
Я уверен, что из-за каждой капли, из-за каждой капли, которая упадёт, родится новый цветок, и над этим цветком будет летать бабочка. Я уверен что в эт...
A muso duro
E adesso che farò, non so che dire e ho freddo come quando stavo solo ho sempre scritto i versi con la penna non ordini precisi di lavoro. Ho sempre o...
A muso duro [English translation]
And what will I do now, I don't know what to say, and I'm cold like when I was alone. I have always written verses with the pen, not specific work ord...
A muso duro [English translation]
And what am I gonna do now, don't know what to say and I'm cold as I had when I was alone I always wrote my lines with the pen not strict work orders....
A muso duro [French translation]
Que vais-je faire maintenant, je ne sais que dire et j'ai froid comme lorsque j'étais seul j'ai toujours écrit mes vers à la plume sans consignes préc...
A muso duro [Polish translation]
I co mam teraz zrobić? Nie wiem, co powiedzieć i jest mi zimno jak wtedy, gdy byłem sam. Piórem pisałem zawsze zwrotki1, a nie szczegóły zleceń. Zawsz...
A muso duro [Portuguese translation]
E o que farei agora, não sei o que dizer E eu sinto frio como quando eu estava sozinho Eu sempre escrevi os versos com a caneta E não com ordens de tr...
A muso duro [Romanian translation]
Si acum ce voi face, nu stiu ce sa zic mi-e frig ca atunci cand stateam singur am scris mereu versuri cu stiloul nu comenzi precise de munca. Am urat ...
A muso duro [Spanish translation]
Y ahora qué haré, no sé qué decir y tengo frío como cuando estuve solo, siempre he escrito los versos con la pluma, no órdenes estrictas de trabajo. S...
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