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Danger Mouse lyrics
We touched the wall's of the city streets and, Didn't explain, Sadly showed us our ways, Of never asking why? Cast down it was heaven sent (and), To t...
Black [Turkish translation]
Şehir sokaklarının duvarlarına dokunduk ve Açıklayamamıştım, Ne yazık ki bize yollarımızı gösterdi, Asla nedenini sorma? Indirin Cennet yolladı(ve), K...
Drown lyrics
When the darkness looked away And the stars don't frown on me When the fire's burning blue through you We're alive inside a flame And the night's a br...
Leopard’s Tongue lyrics
One touch and you had enough Two touch and you lust for more With the hair I wear on my face Like a leopard's tongue in the mouth of a snake Our love,...
Little Girl lyrics
A trick that people use to make you think they are smart Is confidence when actually they're lost in the dark Only someone with the mind of a child sa...
Little Girl [Greek translation]
Ένα κόλπο που κάνουν οι άνθρωποι για να πιστέψεις ότι είναι έξυπνοι, είναι η αυτοπεποίθηση ενώ στην πραγματικότητα είναι χαμένοι στο σκοτάδι. Μόνο κάπ...
Little Girl [Turkish translation]
İnsanların zeki olduklarını düşünmemiz için kullandıkları bir numara Aslında karanlıkta kaybolduklarındaki özgüvendir Sadece çocuk aklına sahip olanla...
Lux Prima lyrics
Faithful Sunshine Faithful Sunshine No eyes open, no eyes closed No smoke on your breath, no eyes closed No sun on the glass, no darkness No eyes, nob...
Ministry lyrics
Light on the street, keep me blind Sand on my feet, you're running me out of town Out of my mind Thousands of leaves, they bury me under her eyes Mild...
Nox Lumina lyrics
Somewhere in my room Sometimes, I don't lock the door Every time I close my eyes Someone else's paradise Turns me into someone new, somewhere Somewher...
Redeemer lyrics
Blood moves still in my deep blue vein Gotta cut my teeth on a diamond chain My lips are cracked, all black and blue You're not coming for me, I'm com...
Danger Mouse - Revenge
Pain I guess it's a matter of sensation But somehow You have ways of avoiding it all In my mind I have shot you and stabbed you through your heart I j...
Revenge [Dutch translation]
Pijn Ik denk dat 't een kwestie van gevoel is. Maar niettemin zijn er manieren om 't te vermijden. In m'n fantasie heb ik jou neergeschoten en je door...
Revenge [Greek translation]
Ο πόνος Υποθέτω είναι θέμα αίσθησης Μα με κάποιον τρόπο Έχεις τους τρόπους να τα αγνοιείς όλα Στο μυαλό μου Σ'έχω πυροβολήσει και μαχαιρώσει στην καρδ...
Revenge [Romanian translation]
Durerea. Presupun că e chestiune de sensaţie, Dar cumva, Ai metode de a o evita de tot. În mintea mea, Te-am împuşcat şi te-am înjunghiat în inimă, Do...
Revenge [Russian translation]
Боль Каждый ощущает по-своему Но каким-то образом Ты находишь способы её избегать Я думал, Что застрелил тебя и заколол ножом в сердце Я просто не пон...
Revenge [Turkish translation]
Istırap Heyecanın nedenini tahmin ediyorum ama bir şekilde tüm bunlardan kaçınmanın yollarına sahipsin Aklımda Kalbinin üzerinden seni bıçakladım ve v...
Reveries lyrics
Veil of thorns disguises me When I'm at the door, I go quietly Into your arms, I lose myself Through space, I fell Through space, I fell As I slip dow...
The Rose with a Broken Neck lyrics
Lonely I see Lonely I lead Lonely I feel Lonely I bleed Lonely I trust And lonely I must Be the rose with the broken neck The plow on the farm The tra...
The Rose with a Broken Neck [French translation]
Solitaire je vois Solitaire je mène Solitaire je me sens Solitaire je saigne Solitaire j'ai confiance Et solitaire je dois Être la rose au cou cassé L...
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