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Powerwolf lyrics
Killers with the cross [Italian translation]
Credo in deum patrem omnipotentem (Credo in Dio, padre onnipotente) Creatorem caeli et terrae (Creatore di cielo e terra) Et in Iesum Christum, filium...
Killers with the cross [Russian translation]
Я верю в Господа, всемогущего Отца Создателя небес и земли И в Иисуса Христа, Его единственного сына Господа нашего Который является воплощением Свято...
Kiss of the Cobra King lyrics
Another wait and I let you fall, it's anyway I'm coming down on my knees for a single way And when the time is done alone, we wore Oh, you can't feel ...
Kiss of the Cobra King [Re-recorded Version] lyrics
Deus Rex Cobra I pray to Heaven that we don't wake the Cobra tonight And I say a prayer when we call for the blood of the wild This time in the venom ...
Kiss of the Cobra King [Re-recorded Version] [Greek translation]
Ο Βασιλιάς Κόμπρα Προσεύχομαι στα Ουράνια να μην ξυπνήσουμε την Κόμπρα απόψε Και λέω μία προσευχή όποτε ζητάμε το αίμα της άγριας φύσης Αυτή την φορά ...
Kiss of the Cobra King [Re-recorded Version] [Italian translation]
Deus Rex Cobra (Dio Re Cobra) Prego al cielo che stanotte non sveglieremo il Cobra E dico una preghiera quando chiamiamo il sangue selvaggio Questa vo...
Kreuzfeuer lyrics
Kreuzfeuer, brenne in der Nacht Kreuzfeuer, sei entfacht Gott hat uns den Wahn gebracht Kreuzfeuer, brenne in der Nacht Kreuzfeuer, sei entfacht Gott ...
Kreuzfeuer [English translation]
Cross-fire, burning in the night Cross-fire was kindled God has brought us the delusion Cross-fire, burning in the night Cross-fire was kindled God ha...
Kreuzfeuer [Hungarian translation]
Gyertyaláng ég az éjszakában Gyertyaláng, lángolj Isten összetörte nekünk az őrületet Gyertyaláng ég az éjszakában Gyertyaláng, lángolj Isten összetör...
Kreuzfeuer [Italian translation]
Fuoco incrociato, che brucia nella notte Fu acceso il fuoco incrociato Dio ci ha portato l'illusione Fuoco incrociato, che brucia nella notte Fu acces...
Kreuzfeuer [Portuguese translation]
Cruz de fogo, a queimar na noite Cruz de fogo, acenda Deus nos trouxe a desilusão Cruz de fogo, a queimar na noite Cruz de fogo, acenda Deus nos troux...
Kreuzfeuer [Russian translation]
Да воспылает огонь креста в ночи! Разгорайся, огонь креста! Бог даровал нам эту иллюзию... Да воспылает огонь креста в ночи! Разгорайся, огонь креста!...
Kreuzfeuer [Ukrainian translation]
Вогонь хреста, палай уночі Вогонь хреста, гори ще яскравіше Господь дарував нам оману Вогонь хреста, палай уночі Вогонь хреста, гори ще яскравіше Госп...
Last of the Living Dead lyrics
Doni a-scaro, oro Ia non Doni scara loso doi oro Doni anara, do se-re sar Doni rare sano ameno Noviu ressara, noviu vivisa Noviu vi ressuro And we all...
Last of the Living Dead [Polish translation]
I Pan ześle plagę na wszystkie narody Które walczyły przeciw Jerozolimie Ich ludzie staną się jak chodzące trupy Ich ciała gniją Ich oczy będą gnić w ...
Let There Be Night lyrics
Let there be night god bless the father, the son let there be night and day be gone Let there be night the mass of dark has begun Let there be night a...
Let There Be Night [French translation]
Let there be night god bless the father, the son let there be night and day be gone Let there be night the mass of dark has begun Let there be night a...
Let There Be Night [German translation]
Let there be night god bless the father, the son let there be night and day be gone Let there be night the mass of dark has begun Let there be night a...
Let There Be Night [Greek translation]
Let there be night god bless the father, the son let there be night and day be gone Let there be night the mass of dark has begun Let there be night a...
Let There Be Night [Italian translation]
Let there be night god bless the father, the son let there be night and day be gone Let there be night the mass of dark has begun Let there be night a...
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