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Powerwolf lyrics
Demons Are a Girl's Best Friend [Ukrainian translation]
Стережися ночі Бійся ночі до самого світанку Бійся темряви, коли зникає світло І прокидається примарна пристрасть. Вони хочуть заставити тебе зігнутис...
Die, Die, Crucified lyrics
The call of the end The final command At night stand brave and tall The hardest of wars Your blood was the cause Tonight we hear the call Die, die, cr...
Die, Die, Crucified [German translation]
Der Ruf des Endes, Der letzte Befehl In der Nacht stehe mutig und groß Der schwerste Krieg von allen Dein Blut war die Ursache Heute Nacht hören wir d...
Die, Die, Crucified [Greek translation]
Το κάλεσμα του τέλους Η τελευταία εντολή Την νύχτα σταθείτε στο ύψος σας και να είστε γενναίοι Για τον σκληρότερο των πολέμων Το αίμα σου στάθηκε αιτί...
Die, Die, Crucified [Italian translation]
Il richiamo della fine Il comando finale Di notte ci stagliamo coraggiosi Le guerre più dure Il tuo sangue era la causa Stanotte sentiamo il richiamo ...
Die, Die, Crucified [Polish translation]
Wołanie końca Ostateczna komenda W nocy stój odważny i wysoki Najtwardsza z wojen Twoja krew była powodem Dzisiejszej nocy usłyszymy wołanie Zgiń, zgi...
Die, Die, Crucified [Spanish translation]
La llamada del fin La última orden Por la noche erguíos valientes y gigantes La guerra más dura Vuestra sangre fue la causa Esta noche oiremos la llam...
Die, Die, Crucified [Turkish translation]
Son çağrı Son buyruk Geceleyin çevik ve yiğit dur En ağır savaşlara Soyun neden oldu Bu gece çağrıyı duyuyoruz Öl, öl, çarmıha geril, Tanrıma şükürler...
Extatum et oratum lyrics
Peccatum Cantatum Extatum et oratum Peccatum extatum Nomine patrum Peccatum Cantatum Extatum et oratum Peccatum extatum Nomine patrum Nomine patrum Ca...
Extatum et oratum [Italian translation]
Peccatum (Peccato) Cantatum (Cantato) Extatum et oratum (Esisti e prega) Peccatum extatum (Esisti nel peccato) Nomine Patrum (In nome del Padre) Pecca...
Faster than the Flame lyrics
Faster, faster, faster than the flame Faster, faster, faster than the flame Fists up in the air tonight Leave the sane, unleash the wild This is our t...
Faster than the Flame [Italian translation]
Più veloce, Più veloce, Più veloce della fiamma Più veloce, Più veloce, Più veloce della fiamma Pugni al cielo stanotte Lascia la sanità, scatena la f...
Faster than the Flame [Russian translation]
Быстрее, быстрее, быстрее пламени Быстрее, быстрее, быстрее пламени Поднимем кулаки в воздух этой ночью Оставьте здравомыслие, освободите дикий нрав Э...
Fire & Forgive lyrics
Fire and forgive We all Fire and forgive We call Fire and forgive Sons of god and sacrament The night we're dying for By the call of pyromania Bring f...
Fire & Forgive [Italian translation]
Fuoco e perdono Tutti noi Fuoco e perdono Tutti chiamiamo Fuoco e perdono Figli di Dio e sacramento Muoriamo per la notte Per la chiamata della piroma...
Fire & Forgive [Russian translation]
Выжигаем и прощаем, Мы все Выжигаем и прощаем, Мы призываем Выжигать и прощать. В эту ночь мы умрём ради Сыновей божьих и таинства, По зову пиромании ...
Fire & Forgive [Turkish translation]
Ateş ve bağışlama Hepimiz Ateş ve bağışlama Çağırıyoruz Ateş ve bağışlama Tanrı'nın ve ayinin oğulları Uğruna öldüğümüz gecede Ateşin çağrısıyla Ateşi...
Fist by Fist [Sacralize or Strike] lyrics
Venatum In celis Infernos sacramentis Dolores, mudo num Et deum patris deum (x2) At night we fight as hundred men In thousand years of war Loud, and h...
Fist by Fist [Sacralize or Strike] [Hungarian translation]
[Latin] Éjjel száz emberként küzdünk Ezerévnyi háborúban Hangosan, és itt, vérért kiáltunk A fénytől távol a szentség A bibliától velőig Büszkén és ot...
Fist by Fist [Sacralize or Strike] [Italian translation]
Venatum (Cacciando) In celis (Nei cieli) Infernos sacramentis (Il sacramento infernale) Dolores, mudo num (Il tempo del dolore) Et deum patris deum(Di...
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