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Powerwolf lyrics
Blessed & Possessed lyrics
Benedictus Et affectus Benedictus Halleluja Warfare, pain and murder In Golgotha we stand For the last rite of Heaven The seventh sacrament Born of bl...
Blessed & Possessed [Arabic translation]
مقدس و ممسوس مقدس هلليلويا حرب ألم و قتل نقف في الجلجثة لأجل آخر شعائر السماء السر المقدس السابع مولودين من الدم و النار و مباركون بيد منتصف الليل في ...
Blessed & Possessed [German translation]
Gesegnet Und besessen Gesegnet Hallelujah Krieg, Schmerz und Mord In Golgatha stehen wir für den letzten Ritus des Himmels, das siebte Sakrament Gebor...
Blessed & Possessed [Hungarian translation]
Áldott És Megszállott Áldott Hallelúja Háború, fájdalom és gyilkolás Állunk a Golgotán A Mennyek utolsó rítusáért A hetedik szentségért. Vérből és tűz...
Blessed & Possessed [Italian translation]
Benedictus (Benedetta) Et Affectus (L'emozione) Benedictus (Benedetta) Halleluja Guerra, dolore e uccisione A Golgatha combattiamo Per l'ultimo rito d...
Blessed & Possessed [Russian translation]
Благословлены И одержимы Благословлены Аллилуя Бойни, боль и убийства В Голгофе мы стоим За последнее желание небес за седьмое таинство Рождены из кро...
Blessed & Possessed [Serbian translation]
Благословени и заподеднути Благословени Алилуја Пуцњава,бол и убијања У голготи живимо За последњи обред раја Седми причест Рођени од крви и ватре и б...
Blood for Blood [Faoladh] lyrics
Stand up from the dead in victorious sight We strike with the ire of God Come stand up for war, no surrender at night All riders are drowned in their ...
Blood for Blood [Faoladh] [Italian translation]
Alzati dalla morte in vittoria Attachiamo con l'ira di Dio Vieni a combattere, nessuna resa di notte Tutti i fantini affogano del loro sangue E gli ev...
Blood for Blood [Faoladh] [Serbian translation]
Ustajemo iz mrtvih u pobedničkom sjaju Udaramo Božjom ljutnjom Spremni za rat, ne predajemo se noću Svi jahači su utopljeni u krvi A jevanđelisti nest...
Call Of The Wild lyrics
When in the night at the altar we're standing To feel the wild off our bodies unending Staring at the icon on the wall When we unite for the sermon pr...
Call Of The Wild [French translation]
La nuit tombée nous nous tenons devant l'autel Pour sentir la nature dans nos corps éternels Devant l'icône sur le mur Quand nous nous unissons pour l...
Call Of The Wild [Italian translation]
Quando di notte siamo all'altare Per sentire la ferocia dei nostri corpi immortali Fissano all'icona sopra il muro Quando ci uniamo per il sermone fin...
Cardinal Sin lyrics
Cardinal In Deum Cardinal Et sanctum Cardinal Descend to hell Cardinal In Deum Cardinal Et sanctum Cardinal Descend to hell The cardinal opens the chu...
Cardinal Sin [Italian translation]
Cardiale In Deum (con Dio) Cardinale Et sanctum (e santo) Cardinale Scende all'inferno Cardiale In Deun (con Dio) Cardinale Et sanctum (e santo) Cardi...
Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night lyrics
All we pray, alone we can't decide Catholic in the morning Satanist at night Invocate the crucified To hell he went by testament Onward into war we ri...
Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night [German translation]
Wir alle beten1, doch können wir uns bloß nicht entscheiden2 Katholik am Morgen Satanist in der Nacht Beschwöre den Gekreuzigten3 Zur Hölle ging er du...
Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night [Greek translation]
Όλοι μας προσευχόμαστε, μόνοι μας δεν μπορούμε να αποφασίσουμε Καθολικός το πρωί Σατανιστής την νύχτα Επικαλείστε τους σταυρωμένους Στην κόλαση πήγε α...
Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night [Italian translation]
Tutti preghiamo, da soli non possiamo decidere Cattolico di mattina Satanista di notte Invoca il crocifisso All'inferno andò secondo il sacramento Ava...
Catholic in the Morning... Satanist at Night [Russian translation]
Все мы молимся, в одиночестве мы не можем определиться: Католик утром, Сатанистов ночью. Взови к распятому, Он попал в ад по завещанию, На дороге войн...
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