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Powerwolf lyrics
Lust for Blood lyrics
Bring me pandemonium Speak the word of God All we need in life is flesh and blood Bring me sanctimonium Armageddon flood All we care is how to get mor...
Lust for Blood [Italian translation]
Portami il pandemonio Professa la parola di Dio Tutto ciò che ci seve è carne e sangue Portami sanctimonium (purezza) La piena dell'Armageddon Ci impo...
Midnight Madonna lyrics
In the final night bring sundown forever In the darkest time we follow the trail of this game In the fullmoon light the godless endeavor Stand pale an...
Midnight Madonna [Italian translation]
In the final night bring sundown forever In the darkest time we follow the trail of this game In the fullmoon light the godless endeavor Stand pale an...
Midnight Madonna [Russian translation]
In the final night bring sundown forever In the darkest time we follow the trail of this game In the fullmoon light the godless endeavor Stand pale an...
Midnight Messiah lyrics
Midnight messiah, midnight messiah Come down the end is near Midnight messiah, midnight messiah Pray for the world to hear Victims of religion, victim...
Midnight Messiah [Italian translation]
Messia di mezzanotte, messia di mezzanotte Vieni, la fine s'avvicina Messia di mezzanotte, messia di mezzanotte Pregha che il mondo t'ascolti Vittime ...
Montecore lyrics
My baby don't cry My baby don't feel Should I have you know? Should I have you know? Montecore The tiger of doom Come follow me into the light And you...
Montecore [Italian translation]
Mio piccolo non piangere Mio piccolo non sentire Dovrei farti sapere? Dovrei farti sapere? Montecore La tigre della condanna Vieni, seguimi nella luce...
Moscow After Dark lyrics
Moscow, Moscow after dark Nightmare, hell and thunderstorm Moscow, Moscow after dark Damnation, worship and frost Moscow, Moscow after dark Hammer, Si...
Moscow After Dark [Hungarian translation]
Moszkva, Moszkva sötétedés után rémálom, pokol és vihar. Moszkva, Moszkva sötétedés után kárhozat, méltóság és fagy. Moszkva, Moszkva sötétedés után k...
Moscow After Dark [Russian translation]
Москва, Москва во тьме Кошмары, ад и ураганы Москва, Москва во тьме Проклятия, культы и мороз Москва, Москва во тьме Молот, серп, советская звезда Пер...
Moscow After Dark [Ukrainian translation]
Москва, Москва серед пітьми Жахіття, пекло і буревій Москва, Москва серед пітьми Прокляття, війни і мороз Москва, Москва серед пітьми Серп і молот, Ра...
Mother Mary is a Bird of Prey lyrics
When your time is over And we come down to take you away You better pray to Jesus May the serpents of god lead your way And when you find salvation In...
Mother Mary is a Bird of Prey [Italian translation]
Quando il tuo tempo finisce E scendiamo a prenderti Fai megli a pregare Gesù Che i serpenti di Dio ti facciano strada E quando trovi la salvezza Nella...
Mr. Sinister lyrics
You got your hands to raise your fist See the laughter from its raise Can you resist me, little sister? Can you resist the devil's might? And whatever...
Mr. Sinister [Italian translation]
Hai le tue mani per alzare il pugno Vedi la risata dalla resurrezione Puoi resistermi, piccola sorella? Puoi resistere al potere del diavolo? E qualun...
Murder at Midnight lyrics
A murder in the dark The convent in the night The constable is on the way The suspect out of sight He trampled down the garden lane The mystery has be...
Murder at Midnight [Hungarian translation]
Egy gyilkosság a sötétben A kolostor az éjszakában A rendőrség úton van A gyanúsított szem elől vesztve Ledobogott a kerti ösvényen A rejtély elkezdőd...
Murder at Midnight [Italian translation]
Un omicidio nel buio Il convento nella notte L'ufficiale è in arrivo Il sospetto è fuori di vista E' sgattagliolato nei giardini Il mistero ha inizio ...
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