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Powerwolf lyrics
Sacred and Wild lyrics
In the dark of the night, we are the demons in silence In the light of the moon, we are the storm of the damned In the heat of the wild, we are the bl...
Sacred and Wild [Italian translation]
In the dark of the night, we are the demons in silence In the light of the moon, we are the storm of the damned In the heat of the wild, we are the bl...
Sacred and Wild [Polish translation]
In the dark of the night, we are the demons in silence In the light of the moon, we are the storm of the damned In the heat of the wild, we are the bl...
Alive or Undead lyrics
Saints and sinners lying broken And all the world has fallen in my head Graves and pyres still are blazing Alive or undead Storms have gone and rain h...
Alive or Undead [Bulgarian translation]
Светци и грешници лежът съкрушени И целият свят е пропаднал в главата ми Гробове и клади все още пламтят Живи или немъртви Бурите преминаха и дъждът п...
Alive or Undead [German translation]
Heilige und Sünder liegen gebrochen Und die ganze Welt ist in meinen Kopf gefallen Gräber und Scheiterhaufen brennen immer noch Lebendig oder untot St...
Alive or Undead [Italian translation]
Santi e peccatori giacciono spezzati E nella mia mente, il mondo intero è crollato Le fiamme ardono ancora sulle tombe e sulle pire Vivi o non morti L...
Alive or Undead [Russian translation]
Святые и грешники сломлены И весь мир разрушился в моей голове Могилы и костры всё ещё пылают Живые или нежить Штормы позади, дождь пролился И все наш...
All We Need Is Blood lyrics
Sanctus Christi animo Halleluja amen Corpus sado mudu so Halleluja amen All we need is blood In the name of God You can't break us Can't forsake us Wh...
All We Need Is Blood [Bulgarian translation]
Sanctus Christi animo Haleluja amen Corpus sado mudu so Haleluja amen Трябва ни само кръв В името на Бог Не ще ни пречупиш Не ще ни изоставиш Вярваш и...
All We Need Is Blood [Italian translation]
La mente di Cristo santo Haleluja amen Corpus sado mudu so Haleluja amen Il sangue è tutto ciò che ci serve Nel nome di Dio Non potete spezzarci Non p...
All You Can Bleed lyrics
All night, fill me up for the harvest of your veins we seek you Outright, spill the sap, all alone where we appear Don't you try to hide by the sermon...
All You Can Bleed [Italian translation]
Tutta la notte, riempimi Il raccolto delle tue vene noi cerchiamo Direttamente, versa la linfa, da soli noi appariamo Non cercare di nasconderti Dal s...
Amen & Attack lyrics
In nomine veritas In nomine filii et patris In nomine veritas Et sanctus Amen and attack Stand your ground against the storm And hail the crucified Ei...
Amen & Attack [French translation]
En le nom de la vérité En le nom du père et du fils En le nom de la vérité Et du saint Amen et attaque Supporte ton territoire contre la tempête Et sa...
Amen & Attack [German translation]
Im Namen der Wahrheit Im ´Namen von Sohn und Vater Im Namen der Wahrheit Und Heilig Amen und Angriff Halte deinen Boden gegen den Sturm und heilige de...
Amen & Attack [Hungarian translation]
Az igazság nevében Az atya és fiú nevében Az igazság És a szent lélek nevében Ámen és támadás Álld a sarat a viharban És üdvözöld a keresztre feszítet...
Amen & Attack [Italian translation]
In nomine veritas (Nel nome della verità) In nomine filii et patris (Nel nome del figlio e del padre) In nomine veritas (Nel nome della verità) Et san...
Amen & Attack [Portuguese translation]
Em nome da verdade Em nome do filho e do pai Em nome da verdade E do espírito santo Amém e Atacar Resistam contra a tempestade E glorifiquem o crucifi...
Amen & Attack [Russian translation]
Во имя истины, Во имя отца и сына, Во имя истины И Святого духа С Богом круши! На войне бей гвоздь в ладонь еретика, Удар, второй, лей кровь во имя Го...
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