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The Chicks lyrics
The Chicks - Loving Arms
If you could see me now The one who said that she'd rather roam The one who said she'd rather be alone If you could only see me now If I could hold yo...
Loving Arms [French translation]
Si tu pouvais me voir maintenant, Toi qui disait que je préférais vagabonder, Toi qui disait que je préférais être seule, Si seulement tu pouvais me v...
Lullaby lyrics
They didn't have you where I come from Never knew the best was yet to come Life began when I saw your face And I hear your laugh like a serenade How l...
Lullaby [Czech translation]
Neměli tě tam, odkud jsem přišla Nevěděla jsem, že to nejlepší na mě teprve čeká Život začal, když jsem uviděla tvou tvář A slyším tvůj smích jako ser...
Lullaby [French translation]
Il n'y en avait pas d'autres comme toi, là d'où je viens Je ne me doutais pas que le meilleur restait à venir La vie a commencé lorsque j'ai vu ton vi...
March March lyrics
[Chorus:] March, march to my own drum March, march to my own drum Hey, hey, I'm an army of one Oh, I'm an army of one March, march to my own drum Marc...
March March [German translation]
[Refrain:] Marschieren, marschieren, zum Klang meiner eigenen Trommel Marschieren, marschieren, zum Klang meiner eigenen Trommel Hey, hey, ich bin ein...
My Best Friend's Weddings lyrics
[Verse 1] Met you at my best friend's wedding There was something about you You set off fireworks that evening With a flicker of untruth [Pre-Chorus] ...
Not Ready To Make Nice lyrics
Forgive, sounds good Forget, I’m not sure I could They say time heals everything But I’m still waiting I’m through with doubt There’s nothing left for...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Arabic translation]
المسامحة وقعها جميل النسيان, لست متاكدة انني استطعت يقولون ان الوقت يشفي كل شي و لكني لا زلت انتظر انا لقد انتهيت من الشك لم يبق لي شيء لاكتشفه لقد دف...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Chinese translation]
原諒,聽起來不錯 忘了,我不確定我能否做到 他們說時間會治愈一切 而我依然還在等待 我心存疑慮 沒有留下什麼好讓我去弄明白了 我已經付出了代價 而且我還會繼續付出 我尚未作好乖巧的準備 我也沒準備要退縮 我仍舊氣急敗壞1 我沒有時間去到處周旋,不斷重複 這已經太遲了而無法讓它重新好起來源 即使我能夠...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Persian translation]
ببخشم؟ خوب به نظر می رسه فراموش کنم؟ مطمئن نیستم بتونم میگن با گذر زمان دردت التیام پیدا میکنه اما من هنوز منتظرم درگیر شک و تردیدم مشکلی نیست تا درک ...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Romanian translation]
A ierta sună bine, A uita, nu-s sigură c-aş putea, Se zice că timpul vindecă toate rănile, Dar eu încă aştept. Am terminat cu îndoiala, Nu mai e nimic...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Serbian translation]
Oprosti, zvuci dobro Zaboraviti, nisam sigurna da mogu. Kazu da vreme leci sve, ali ja jos uvek cekam. Nisam ni sumnjala da nije ostalo nista za mene ...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Spanish translation]
Perdonar, suena bien Olvidar, no creo que pueda Dicen que el tiempo cura todo Pero sigo esperando Estoy harta de la duda No hay nada más para averigua...
Not Ready To Make Nice [Turkish translation]
Affetmek, kuşağa hoş geliyor Unutmak, yapabileceğimden emin değilim Derler ki zaman herşeyi iyileştirir Ama ben hala bekliyorum Şüpheye yer kalmadı An...
Ready to Run lyrics
When the train rolls by I'm gonna be ready this time When the boy gets that look in his eye I'm gonna be ready this time When my momma says I look goo...
Set Me Free lyrics
[Verse 1] I've done what I know To help me move on I've been sick from the hurt I've cried alone Why, oh why do you keep me tethered? You've taken eno...
Sleep at Night lyrics
[Verse 1] Not that you asked But I'm getting past everything, everything I'm doing okay Just glad it's not yesterday, huh [Pre-Chorus] My husband's gi...
Texas Man lyrics
[Verse 1] I could use a Texas man But one who can feel at home Yeah, here in the California sand Who holds me like he'll never let go It's been way to...
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