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Celtic Woman lyrics
The Last Rose of Summer [Portuguese translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Swedish translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The New Ground / Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears lyrics
On the first day of January Eighteen ninety-two They opened Ellis Island And they let the people through And the first to cross the threshold Of that ...
The New Ground / Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears [French translation]
Le premier jour de janvier Dix-huit cent quatre-vingt douze Ils ouvrirent Ellis Island Et ils laissèrent entrer les gens Et la première à franchir le ...
The Parting Glass lyrics
Of all the money e'er I had I spent it in good company And all the harm I have ever done Alas, it was to none but me And all I've done for want of wit...
The Parting Glass [Estonian translation]
Kõik raha, mis mul iial olnud olen kasutanud heas seltskonnas. Kõik paha, mis kahjuks teinud olen ainult endale ma tegin. Kõik mis olen rumalusest tei...
The Parting Glass [Finnish translation]
Kaiken rahani olen käyttänyt mainiossa seurassa Kaiken aiheuttamani harmin olen tehnyt vain itselleni Kaikki mikä tehty järjen puutteessa on mielestän...
The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun lyrics
High is the moon tonight, Hiding its guiding light, High. Heaven and earth do sleep Still in the dark so deep. I will the darkness sweep. I will the m...
The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun [Finnish translation]
Kuu on tänä yönä korkealla Piilotellen sen johtavaa valoa Korkealla Taivas ja maa uinuvat Yhä pimeydessä niin syvässä Aion pimeyden lakaista Komennan ...
The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun [Romanian translation]
Sus e astă-seară luna, Îşi ascunde călăuzitoarea lumină În înalt. Cerul şi pământul, încă Dorm în bezna adâncă. Voi face întunericul să dispară. Voi f...
The Voice lyrics
I hear your voice on the wind And I hear you call out my name 'Listen my child', you say to me 'I am the voice of your history Be not afraid, come fol...
The Voice [Arabic translation]
أسمع صوتك في الهواء أسمعك تنادي بإسمي إسمع يا بني تقول لي أنا صوت تاريخك لا تخف تعال و أتبعني أجب على ندائي و سوف أمنحك حريتك أنا صوت في الهواء و المط...
The Voice [Azerbaijani translation]
Səsini küləkdə eşidirəm Və adımı çağırışını eşidirəm "Qulaq as, uşağım", mənə deyirsən "Mən tarixinin səsiyəm Qorxma, məni izlə Çağırışıma cavab ver v...
The Voice [Bosnian translation]
Ja čujem tvoj glas u vjetru I čujem kako dozivaš moje ime "Slušaj moje dijete," rekla si meni "Ja sam glas tvoje prošlosti Nemoj se plašiti, dođi, pra...
The Voice [Bulgarian translation]
Чувам твоят глас във вятъра И аз чувам, че викаш моето име "Слушай дете мое", ми каза ти "Аз съм гласът на твоята история Не се страхувай, ела последв...
The Voice [Catalan translation]
Sento la teva veu en el vent i et sento cridar el meu nom. Em dius: "Escolta, nena, jo sóc la veu de la teva història, no tinguis por, véns, segueix-m...
The Voice [Chinese translation]
听见你的声音,乘着风到我耳畔 听见你的声音,呼唤着我的名字 “听着我的孩子”,那是你对我说 “这个声音来自你的过去” “不必害怕,请跟随着我” “回答我的呼唤,我会让你自由” 我的声音,附身疾风与骤雨 这份声音,源自你的渴求和苦痛 我的声音,一直在呼唤着你 这份声音,必将会留驻不息 我的声音,夏日后...
The Voice [Chinese translation]
我在風中聽到你的聲音 而且我聽到你呼叫我的名字 “聽著,我的孩子”你對我說 "我是你歷史的聲音 不要害怕,跟著我 回覆我的呼喚,我將會讓你自由" 我是在風中的和傾盆大雨的聲音 我是你飢餓和痛苦的聲音 我是聲音一直在呼喚著你 我是聲音,我將會留下來 當夏天消失時,我是田野裡的聲音 當秋風吹起時,樹葉的...
The Voice [Croatian translation]
Čujem tvoj glas na vjetru I čujem kako dozivaš moje ime "Slušaj, dijete moje", kažeš mi "Ja sam glas tvoje povijesti Ne boj se, dođi slijedi me Odgovo...
The Voice [Czech translation]
Slyším tvůj hlas ve větru A slyším tě volat mé jméno 'Poslouchej, mé dítě,' mi říkáš 'Jsem hlas tvé historie Neboj se, pojď se mnou Odpověz na mé volá...
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