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Celtic Woman lyrics
Someday [Russian translation]
Однажды, Когда мы станем мудрее, Когда мир станет старше, Когда мы научимся. Я молюсь. Однажды мы сможем жить, Жить и давать жить другим. Однажды Жизн...
Spanish lady lyrics
As I came down through Dublin City At the hour of twelve at night Who should I see but the Spanish lady Washing her feet by candlelight First she wash...
Téir Abhaile Riú lyrics
Look how the light of the town1 The lights of the town are shining now Tonight I'll be dancing around I'm off on the road to Galway now Look how she's...
Téir Abhaile Riú [English translation]
Look how the light of the town1 The lights of the town are shining now Tonight I'll be dancing around I'm off on the road to Galway now Look how she's...
The Call lyrics
Sometimes in this life we hear Calling from somewhere Sometimes it is loud and clear Sometimes it's so softly there Sometimes it is in the sea Sometim...
The Call [Bosnian translation]
Nekad je život ono što čujemo Doziva nas odnekuda Nekad je glasno i jasno Nekad je tako nježno ovdje Nekad je u moru Nekad je u nebu Nekada smo to ti ...
The Call [Finnish translation]
Joskus kuulemme tässä elämässä Kutsuvan jostakin Joskus se on kova ja selkeä Joskus se on siellä niin hellä Joskus se on meressä Joskus taivaassa Josk...
The Call [German translation]
Manchmal hört man in diesem Leben Einen Ruf von irgendwo Manchmal ist er laut und deutlich Manchmal ist er so sanft da Manchmal liegt er im Meer Manch...
The Call [Latvian translation]
Dažreiz šajā dzīvē mēs dzirdam Aicinājumu no kaut kurienes Dažreiz tas ir skaļš un skaidrs Dažreiz tas ir tik maigs tur Dažreiz tas ir jūrā Dažreiz de...
The Call [Polish translation]
Czasami w tym życiu słyszymy Wołanie skądś Czasami jest głośne i wyraźne Czasami jest tak delikatne z daleka Czasami jest z morza Czasami z nieba Czas...
The Call [Romanian translation]
Uneori în această viață auzim O chemare de undeva; Uneori ea e răsunătoare și clară, Uneori ea atât de slabă! Uneori ea e în mare, Uneori în cer, Uneo...
The Call [Russian translation]
Иногда, в этой жизни мы слышим Зов издалека. Иногда, он громкий и чёткий, Иногда, он едва слышен. Порой, он приходит из моря, Порой, с небес. Иногда о...
The Dawning Of The Day lyrics
One morning early morn as I walked forth By the margin of Lough Leigh The sunshine dressed the trees in green And the summer bloomed again I left the ...
The Dawning Of The Day [Greek translation]
Ένα πρωινό νωρίς το πρωί όπως περπατούσα Δίπλα στην ακτή της λίμνης Lough Leigh Το ηλιοβασίλεμα έντυσε τα δέντρα στα πράσινα Και το καλοκαίρι άνθισε ξ...
The Last Rose of Summer lyrics
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Dutch translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Finnish translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Gaelic [Irish Gaelic] translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Greek translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
The Last Rose of Summer [Japanese translation]
'Tis the last rose of summer left blooming alone All her lovely companions are faded and gone No flower of her kindred, no rosebud is nigh To reflect ...
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