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Tim Buckley lyrics
Chase The Blues Away lyrics
Well come along walk with me And learn the songs that lovers sing When they believe We'll dance along the river's edge Just arm and arm along the moon...
Chase The Blues Away [Greek translation]
Λοιπόν βιάσου,συμπορεύσου μαζί μου Και μάθε τα τραγούδια που οι εραστές τραγουδούν Όταν πιστεύουν Θα χορέψουμε κατά μήκος της άκρης του ποταμού Απλά χ...
Come Here Woman lyrics
Come Here Woman You caught me staring so gently You tease me and turn away Unlike the young ones Your movements you savor Like a tango My hideaways ar...
Dolphins lyrics
Sometimes I think about Saturday's child And all about the times when we were running wild I've been out searching for the dolphins in the sea Ah, but...
Get On Top lyrics
Well, that girl walks on in a stormy bitch and whine Well, she moves that cobra waltz all across the floor Tell that mama to sing out a cry Like a slo...
Goodbye and Hello lyrics
The antique people are down in the dungeons Run by machines and afraid of the tax Their heads in the grave and their hands on their eyes Hauling their...
Goodbye and Hello [Greek translation]
Οι παλιοί άνθρωποι βρίσκονται κάτω σε σκοτεινά μπουντρούμια Τους διοικούν μηχανές και φοβούνται τους φόρους Με τα κεφάλια τους στον τάφο και τα χέρια ...
Gypsy Woman lyrics
Yes I come around Never know a little sooner Casts a spell on me Casts a spell on me Casts a spell on me Casts a spell on me.... Gypsy woman Gypsy wom...
Hallucinations lyrics
I saw you walking Only yesterday When I ran to catch you You disappeared And the street was gray The candle died Now you are gone For the flame was to...
Hallucinations [French translation]
Je t'ai vue marcher A peine hier Quand j'ai couru pour t'attraper Tu t'es évaporée Et la rue devint grise La chandelle est morte Et toi en fumée Pour ...
Hallucinations [Greek translation]
Σε είδα να περπατάς Μόλις εχθές Και όταν έτρεξα να σε πιάσω Εξαφανίστηκες Και ο δρόμος ήταν γκρί Το κερί έσβησε Τώρα που έχεις φύγει Γιατί η φλόγα ήτα...
Hallucinations [Turkish translation]
Yürüyüşünü görmüştüm Sadece dün Seni yakalamak için hamle ettiğimde Kayboldun Ve cadde griye döndü Mum öldü Şimdi sen gittin Işığı çok fazla olan mum ...
Make It Right lyrics
I'm fitting out I'm fitting in And those diesel rigs Ah, they're rambling by But, I ain't blue Now, if I go lame Ah, I just flag a ride I'm looking ou...
No Man Can Find The War lyrics
No Man Can Find The War Photographs of guns and flame Scarlet skull and distant game Bayonet and jungle grin Nightmares dreamed by bleeding men Lookou...
No Man Can Find The War [Turkish translation]
Hiç kimse savaşı bulamaz Silah ve alev fotoğrafları Kırmızı kafatası ve uzak oyun Süngü ve orman sırıtışı Kanayan erkekler tarafından düşlenen kabusla...
Once I Was lyrics
Once I was a soldier And I fought on foreign sands for you Once I was a hunter And I brought home fresh meat for you Once I was a lover And I searched...
Once I Was [Italian translation]
Una volta ero un soldato E combattevo su sabbie lontane per te Una volta ero un cacciatore E portavo a casa carne fresca per te Una volta ero un amant...
Once I Was [Turkish translation]
Bir zamanlar askerdim, Ve yabancı topraklarda senin için çarpışırdım. Bir zamanlar avcıydım, Ve eve senin için taze et getirirdim. Bir zamanlar aşıktı...
Phantasmagoria In Two lyrics
If a fiddler played you a song, my love And if I gave you a wheel Would you spin for my heart and loneliness Would you spin for my love If I gave up a...
Phantasmagoria In Two [French translation]
Si un violoniste te jouait une air, ma belle Et si je te confiais une roulette* Est-ce que tu miserais sur mon cœur et ma solitude Est ce que tu la fe...
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