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Get Well Soon lyrics
Ticktack! Goes My Automatic Heart [Russian translation]
И когда небо прояснилось, И я поверил всем твоим словам Все вокруг зазеленело весной, Настала новая жизнь для всех людей и для меня. И в такт моему ме...
We are cannibal corpse lyrics
We wake the dead We've been trying for so long To find a way To describe our feelings We never sleep at night - we tremble We never turn out the light...
We are free lyrics
Gashes of another pain That is driving you insane And lost your trust in chemicals To forget the end is near Oh, the fire lost it's warmth And it seem...
We are ghosts lyrics
A happy science So why so sad? 'Cause I thought you know We're always held Through fire and lightning, The occasional war. And telling me that Your ch...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House lyrics
Wait inside, please wait Beware, my heart! Then I will come back Defend our home Don't you say we're lost We are safe inside While they burn down our ...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House [French translation]
Attends à l'intérieur, s'il te plait, attends Fais attention à toi, mon cœur ! Je reviendrai ensuite Défendre notre chez nous Ne dis jamais que nous s...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House [Greek translation]
Περίμενε μέσα, σε παρακαλώ περίμενε Πρόσεχε, καρδιά μου! Μετά θα γυρίσω Να υπερασπιστώ το σπίτι μας Μη λες ότι είμαστε χαμένοι Είμαστε ασφαλείς μέσα Ε...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House [Russian translation]
Жди внутри, пожалуйста жди. Будь осторожна, моя дорогая, Вскоре я вернусь Чтоб защитить наш дом Не говори, что мы обречены, Мы в безопасности внутри В...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House [Turkish translation]
içeride bekle, lütfen bekle dikkat et, kalbim! geri döneceğim evimizi korumak için kaybolduğumuzu söyleme sakın içeride güvendeyiz onlar evimizi yakar...
We Are Safe Inside While They Burn Down Our House [Turkish translation]
İçerde bekle, lütfen bekle. Dikkat et hayatım! Sonra evimizi savunmak için geri geleceğim. Sakın kaybettiğimizi söyleme. Onlar evimizi yakarken... Biz...
We are the Roman Empire lyrics
And I'll keep your head Over water And when the flood comes You don't have to fear, no Fight it all We'll fight it all We'll fight it all We'll fight ...
Werner Herzog gets shot lyrics
3 years old, St. Nicholas Day God came into the house And stood in the doorway In a brown overall And that's when it left all the crippeling fear The ...
Witches! Witches! Rest now in fire! lyrics
They want you to burn in hell Because of your magic spell It may seem hard but it's just fair enough Cause Satan's your best friend No need to run no ...
Witches! Witches! Rest now in fire! [French translation]
Ils veulent te voir brûler en enfer à cause de tes enchantements. Ça peut sembler sévère, mais ce n'est que justice, car Satan est ton meilleur ami. P...
Witches! Witches! Rest now in fire! [Ukrainian translation]
Вони хочуть, щоб ви горіли в аду Через ваші чари Може здатися суворим, але це цілком справедливо Тому що диявол - ваш найліпший друг Вже не треба бігт...
You / Aurora / You / Seaside lyrics
This famous scenery will always be A constituting part of me 'Til you stop You are a part Are apart You are a part You saw my heart, you know my smile...
You Cannot Cast Out the Demons [You Might As Well Dance] lyrics
Why don't you love me? I keep asking myself why you don't. Why do you always turn your back on me? What's wrong with me? You've always thought there's...
You Cannot Cast Out the Demons [You Might As Well Dance] [Russian translation]
Почему не любишь ты меня, Я мучаю себя вопросом: почему? Зачем ты отвернулся от меня? Ну что со мной не так, скажи? Всегда держал меня за дурочку, не ...
You're using all your senses, just for being sad lyrics
With your eyes you spill tears With your nose you smell fear With your mouth you say so And with your heart you smile like me With your ears you hear ...
Young count falls for nurse lyrics
Rain at the end of summer Interplay of love Clouds on the far horizon A wind of hope Roses in the storm Thorns in the dale of flowers At the cliffs of...
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