Remember not, Lord, our offences [Italian translation]
Remember not, Lord our offences,
nor th'offences of our forefathers
neither take thou vengeance of our sins, good Lord
But spare us, good Lord.
Spare ...
Remember not, Lord, our offences [Neapolitan translation]
Remember not, Lord our offences,
nor th'offences of our forefathers
neither take thou vengeance of our sins, good Lord
But spare us, good Lord.
Spare ...
Sir Walter enjoying his damsel [Italian translation]
Sir Walter, enjoying his Damsel one night,
He tickl'd and pleas'd her to so great a height,
that she could not contain t'wards the end of the matter,
Sir Walter enjoying his damsel [Neapolitan translation]
Sir Walter, enjoying his Damsel one night,
He tickl'd and pleas'd her to so great a height,
that she could not contain t'wards the end of the matter,
Sir Walter enjoying his damsel [Turkish translation]
Sir Walter, enjoying his Damsel one night,
He tickl'd and pleas'd her to so great a height,
that she could not contain t'wards the end of the matter,
Sweeter than roses lyrics
Sweeter than Roses, or cool Evening's breeze,
On a warm Flowery Shore,
Was the dear Kiss, first trembling made me freeze,
Then shot like Fire all o're...
Sweeter than roses [French translation]
Sweeter than Roses, or cool Evening's breeze,
On a warm Flowery Shore,
Was the dear Kiss, first trembling made me freeze,
Then shot like Fire all o're...
Sweeter than roses [Italian translation]
Sweeter than Roses, or cool Evening's breeze,
On a warm Flowery Shore,
Was the dear Kiss, first trembling made me freeze,
Then shot like Fire all o're...