Z 629 The Fairy Queen, IV 1. Now the Night is chac'd away. [Neapolitan translation]
Now the Night is chac'd away,
All salute the rising Sun;
'Tis that happy, happy Day,
The Birth-Day of King Oberon.
Let the Fifes, and t...
Z 630 The Indian Queen 1. Wake Quivera, Wake. lyrics
Wake, Quivera, wake; our soft rest must cease,
and fly together with our country's peace;
No more must we sleep under plaintain shade,
Which neit...
Z 630 The Indian Queen 1. Wake Quivera, Wake. [Italian translation]
Wake, Quivera, wake; our soft rest must cease,
and fly together with our country's peace;
No more must we sleep under plaintain shade,
Which neit...
Z 630 The Indian Queen 1. Wake Quivera, Wake. [Neapolitan translation]
Wake, Quivera, wake; our soft rest must cease,
and fly together with our country's peace;
No more must we sleep under plaintain shade,
Which neit...
Z 630 The Indian Queen, III, 4: "I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain". lyrics
I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain,
Since I am myself my own fever and pain.
No more now, fond heart, with pride no more swell;
Thou canst ...
Z 630 The Indian Queen, III, 4: "I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain". [Italian translation]
I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain,
Since I am myself my own fever and pain.
No more now, fond heart, with pride no more swell;
Thou canst ...
Z 630 The Indian Queen, III, 4: "I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain". [Neapolitan translation]
I attempt from love's sickness to fly in vain,
Since I am myself my own fever and pain.
No more now, fond heart, with pride no more swell;
Thou canst ...
Z 630, III, 5: Ah, how happy are we. lyrics
Ah, how happy are we!
From human passions free.
Ah, how happy are we!
Those wild tenants of the breast,
No, never can disturb our rest.
Ah, how happy ...