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Jonathan Davis lyrics
Slept So Long [Russian translation]
Ходьба Ожидать Один без заботы Я надеюсь на И ненавидеть Вещи, которые я не вынесу Думаешь это круто Идти прямо вверх Отнять у меня жизнь И облажайся ...
Jonathan Davis - System
You fell away What more can I say? The feeling’s evolved I won’t let it out I can’t replace Your screaming face Feeling the sickness inside Why won’t ...
System [Serbian translation]
Ispala si Sta vise mogu da kazem? Osecanja su se razvila Ja ih necu pustiti da izadju Ne mogu da zamenim Tvoje vristece lice Osecam bolest u sebi Zast...
The Secret lyrics
I watch you breathing I can't believe you sleep so calm With all the dirty things that you've done to me My eyes are my curse you see Cause you see an...
The Secret [French translation]
Je te regarde respirer, Je ne peux pas croire que Tu dormes si bien, Avec Toutes les choses Sales que tu m'as faite Mes yeux sont ensorcelés, Vois-tu,...
The Secret [Serbian translation]
Gledam te kako dises Ne mogu da verujem da spavas tako mirno S obzirom na sve prljave stvari koje si mi uradila Zar ne vidis da su moje oci kletva Zat...
Underneath My Skin lyrics
Choking on air, something's making me breathe All these memories I had, they are taking them from me There's something inside of me This is my time ag...
Underneath My Skin [Serbian translation]
Vazduh me guši, nešto me tera da dišem Sva ova sećanja koja sam imao, uzimaju ih od mene. Nešto je u meni, ponovo je moje vreme, ovo je pravo vreme, a...
Walk On By lyrics
All the things that I do All the hell I've been through It somehow doesn't matter I see the light in the booth Wishing I came right through Right thro...
Walk On By [Serbian translation]
Sve stvari koje radim Sve nevolje koje sam prosao Nekako nisu bitne Vidim svetlost u standu I prizeljkujem da sam tuda prosao Prosao, prosao Prosao Ja...
What It Is lyrics
Pretty soon you have to deal With the truth behind the way you feel And I'd rather never know I would do anything, anything Not to bring who I am to m...
What It Is [Bulgarian translation]
Pretty soon you have to deal With the truth behind the way you feel And I'd rather never know I would do anything, anything Not to bring who I am to m...
What It Is [French translation]
Pretty soon you have to deal With the truth behind the way you feel And I'd rather never know I would do anything, anything Not to bring who I am to m...
What It Is [Hungarian translation]
Pretty soon you have to deal With the truth behind the way you feel And I'd rather never know I would do anything, anything Not to bring who I am to m...
What It Is [Serbian translation]
Pretty soon you have to deal With the truth behind the way you feel And I'd rather never know I would do anything, anything Not to bring who I am to m...
What You Believe lyrics
What you believe is the religion And your entire devotion is dedicated to believing And there's no room for God in it And there's no room for God in i...
What You Believe [French translation]
Ce en quoi tu crois est ta Religion Et ton dévouement tout Entier est dédié à croire Et il n'y a pas de place Pour dieu Dedans Et il n'y a pas de plac...
What You Believe [Serbian translation]
Religija je ono u sta verujes I sva tvoja odanost je posvecena verovanju I tu nema mesta za Boga I tu nema mesta za Boga I tu nema mesta za Boga Oni v...
Your God lyrics
They make you feel like you're alive again They mask the truth and gather Running redemption from within Which leaves the question What's in it for yo...
Your God [Serbian translation]
Oni cine da se osecate kao da ste ponovo zivi Oni maskiraju istinu i uzimaju Spasenje struji iznutra I ostavlja pitanje Sta je ostalo tebi? (Nista osi...
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