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Jonathan Davis lyrics
Final Days [Serbian translation]
Mrznja struji kroz mene kao vena I dolazi po mene, dok gledam druge kako marsiraju laznim putem Hvatam sav bes koji mogu da nadjem Ova faza je alarmir...
Forsaken lyrics
I’m over it You see I’m falling in a vast abyss Clouded by memories of the past At last I see I hear it fading, I can’t speak it Or else you will dig ...
Forsaken [Serbian translation]
Prevazisao sam to Vidis da padam u ogromni ambis Zamracen uspomenama iz proslosti I konacno vidim Cujem kako bledi, ne mogu da progovorim Inace ces mi...
Gender lyrics
I came in your window last night like a ghost (Never woke you) And this invasion was never supposed (To hurt you) Just need to breathe you, observe yo...
Gender [French translation]
L'autre nuit je suis passé Par ta fenêtre comme un Fantôme (Sans jamais Te réveiller) Et cette invasion n'a jamais Eu pour but (de te blesser) J'ai ju...
Gender [Serbian translation]
Sinoc sam usao kroz tvoj prozor kao duh (Nisam te probudio) I ovaj upad nikada nije bio pokusaj (Da te povredim) Samo zelim da te udisem, posmatram, s...
Happiness lyrics
So you think you can walk away now Nothing's happening, everything's fine It's the same old situation Each time you get the last word I turn away blin...
Happiness [French translation]
Alors tu penses pouvoir T'en aller maintenant ? Rien ne se passe, Tout va bien C'est la même vieille Situation À chaque fois tu as Le dernier mot et j...
Happiness [Serbian translation]
I ti mislis da mozes da odes sada Nista se ne desava, sve je uredu Ista je stara situacija Svaki put kada je tvoja rec poslednja, ja se slepo okrenem ...
Medicate lyrics
Your light shines so black I can see my flaws plain as day I deal with things inside That would make anyone scream in pain Come on run away with me Fo...
Medicate [Serbian translation]
Tvoja crna svetlost toliko sjaji Mogu da vidim sve svoje mane jasno kao dan Borim se sa stvarima u sebi Koje bi naterale bilo koga da vristi u bolovim...
Not Meant for Me lyrics
You think you're smart You're not, it's plain to see That you want me to Fall off, it's killing me Let's see, you've got the gall Come take it all The...
Not Meant for Me [German translation]
Du glaubst dass du schlau wärst Bist du nicht, es ist einfach zu sehen Dass du mich Fallen sehen willst, es bringt mich um Wir werden sehen, du bist d...
Not Meant for Me [Serbian translation]
Mislis da si pametan E pa nisi, i vrlo je jasno Da zelis Da otpadnem, to me ubija Hajde da vidimo, ako imas petlju Dodji i uzmi sve Porota dolazi Dola...
Please Tell Me lyrics
You're everything I've wanted This tragedy is mine I hold on and I fight it They always, stupidity is blind I fight for a reason Maybe that's to blame...
Please Tell Me [Russian translation]
В тебе было все, что я хотел Это моя трагедия Я держусь и борюсь с ней Глупость всегда слепа Я сражаюсь не просто так Может быть, я виноват Но я также...
Please Tell Me [Serbian translation]
Ti si sve sto sam zeleo Ova tragedija je moja Drzim se i borim se Ali, njihova glupost je uvek slepa Borim se sa razlogom Mozda sam zbog toga i kriv A...
Silent Hill lyrics
[Verse 1] I start to search all the dark places that I have found All the deep creases in my mind that are torn up somehow I want to keep the pace, I ...
Silent Hill [Serbian translation]
(Prva Strofa) Pocinjem da pretrazujem sva mracna mesta koja sam pronasao Svi duboki nabori u mom umu su nekako pocepani Zelim da zadrzim ovaj tempo, z...
Slept So Long lyrics
Walking Waiting Alone without a care Hoping And hating Things that I can't bear Did you think it's cool To walk right up To take my life And fuck it u...
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