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Sandy & Junior - Olha o que o amor me faz
Meu coração Bate ligeiramente apertado Ligeiramente machucado Caiu tão fundo nessa emoção Primeira vez Que o amor bateu de frente comigo Antes era só ...
Olha o que o amor me faz [Chinese translation]
我的心 紧张地跳动着 剧烈而痛苦 无法自拔 这是第一次 爱情像这样面对我 以前它只是一个朋友 如今一切都变了 你可能感觉出了 我对你感觉的一切 可能这就是爱 这很难假装 看爱情对你做了什么 它让你手忙脚乱 当它抓住你的时候 你就无处可逃 看爱情对我做了什么 我变得如此傻瓜,变成这样 没有什么 能夺走...
Olha o que o amor me faz [English translation]
My heart beats fast and anxious it beats fast and wounded it fell so deep into this emotion This is the first time That love faced me like this Once i...
Olha o que o amor me faz [English translation]
This heart of mine Beats oh-so slightly distressed Oh-so slightly hurt It fell so deep into this feeling This is the first time That love stood face-t...
Olha o que o amor me faz [English translation]
My heart Beats fast and anxious It beats fast and wounded I fell deeply into this emotion Its the first time That love has faced me like this Before y...
Olha o que o amor me faz [German translation]
Mein Herz Schlägt leicht eingeengt Leicht verletzt Es ist so tief in dieses Gefühl gefallen Das erste Mal, Dass die Liebe mich voll erwischt hat Vorhe...
Olha o que o amor me faz [Russian translation]
Мое сердце Бьется немного тревожно, Немного болезненно... Я падаю в омут с головойв эти эмоции... Первый раз, Когда любовь сталкиваетсясо мной лицом к...
Olha o que o amor me faz [Spanish translation]
Mi corazón Late rápidamente angustiado Rápidamente lastimado Caí tan hondo en esta emoción Primera vez Que el amor se encaró conmigo Antes era sólo un...
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