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Jason Mraz lyrics
Lucky [Hungarian translation]
Hallasz engem amikor beszélek hozzád? A vizeken és a kék óceánokon át A szabad ég alatt, én tényleg megpróbáltam Hallak téged, az álmaimban Hallom a s...
Lucky [Indonesian translation]
Dengarkah kamu Kataku padamu Merentasi air Merentasi laut biru Dibawah langit terbentang Oh, sayang, aku mencuba Kasih aku mendengarmu didalam mimpiku...
Lucky [Italian translation]
Mi senti? Sto parlando con te, attraverso l'acqua, attraverso l'oscuro e profondo oceano, a cielo aperto, oh, tesoro mio, ci sto provando. Ragazzo, ti...
Lucky [Japanese translation]
聞こえるかい? 君に話してるんだ 波の向こうへ 蒼く深い海を超え 広い空の下で 君に話しかけてるんだよ 夢であなたの声が聞こえる 大洋の向こうに、あなたの囁きを感じる 心の中に引き留めておきたいの 辛いことがあるたび、私を楽にしてくれるから 親友と恋に落ちるなんて僕は幸せ者だな いつもみたくいられる...
Lucky [Persian translation]
صدامو میشنوی با تو سخن میگویم از سمت آب از سمت اقیانوس عمیق آبی رنگ زیر آسمان صاف اوه من دارم تلاش میکنم من تو رو تو رویاهام دیدم، صداتو شنیدم من نجوا...
Lucky [Polish translation]
Czy mnie słyszysz Mówię do Ciebie Poprzez wodę Poprzez głębie oceanu Pod otwartym niebem Oh kochanie próbuję Chłopcze słyszę Cię w moich snach, Słyszę...
Lucky [Portuguese translation]
Você está me ouvindo, Estou falando com você Através das águas Através do profundo oceano azul Abaixo do céu aberto, Oh, meu amor, estou tentando Cara...
Lucky [Romanian translation]
Mă auzi, Cu tine vorbesc Dincolo de ape Dincolo de oceanul adânc şi albastru, Sub cerul larg deschis, Oh, iubita mea, eu încerc. Băiatule, te aud în v...
Lucky [Serbian translation]
Da li me cujes tebi govorim preko vode preko dubokog plavog okeana pod otvorenim nebom oh moja bebo pokusavam Decko cujem te u svojim snovima osecam t...
Lucky [Spanish translation]
¿Me oyes? estoy hablando contigo a través del agua a través del azul y profundo del océano Bajo el cielo abierto Oh mi vida lo estoy intentando Te oig...
Lucky [Turkish translation]
Beni duyuyor musun?Seninle konuşuyorum Suyun karşısından, mavi derin okyanusun karşısından Açık gökyüzü altında, bebeğim deniyorum * seni rüyalarımda ...
Lucky [Turkish translation]
Beni duyuyor musun? Seninle konuşuyorum? Denizin karşısından Masmavi okyanusun karşısından Gök kubbe altından Ah bebeğim, deniyorum Erkeğim, rüyalarım...
Lucky [Turkish translation]
Beni duyuyor musun? Seninle konuşuyorum Suyun karşısından, derin mavi okyanusun karşından Açık gökyüzünün altından ah bebeğim, deniyorum. Oğlum, seni ...
Make It Mine lyrics
Wake up everyone How can you sleep at a time like this Unless the dreamer is the real you Listen to your voice The one that tells you to taste past th...
Making It Up lyrics
Well, I may go through this life never knowing who I am Or why I'm here, or why I'm doing what I'm doing I guess I'll just go with whatever my name is...
Might As Well Dance lyrics
I can't stop thinking about you And dreaming of your smile I can't stop reading into ya Love, oh yeah, you're the best book I've read in a while I don...
More Than Friends lyrics
It feels like we've been friends forever, yeah And we always see eye to eye The more time we spend together The more I wanna say what's on my mind Tak...
More Than Friends [French translation]
It feels like we've been friends forever, yeah And we always see eye to eye The more time we spend together The more I wanna say what's on my mind Tak...
More Than Friends [Turkish translation]
It feels like we've been friends forever, yeah And we always see eye to eye The more time we spend together The more I wanna say what's on my mind Tak...
My Own Shit lyrics
I still get down sometimes Cause I've got fears I still hide I've got roles I get to write Truth be told I've told some lies I've got friends I've got...
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