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Dido lyrics
Mad Love lyrics
Let 'em tell us stories As we lie in the fields And watch the birds soar above Let 'em tell us of love and loss How we'll live and how we'll die Cos t...
Mary's in India lyrics
Danny is lonely cause Mary's in India now She said she'd call but that was three weeks ago She left all her things well, her books and her letters fro...
Mary's in India [Finnish translation]
Danny on yksinäinen Mary on nyt Intiassa Hän sanoi soittavansa mut siitä on kolme viikkoa Hän jätti kaikki tavaransa, no, kirjansa ja kirjeensä hänelt...
Mary's in India [Polish translation]
Danielsam został Maria w Indiach jest Obiecała dzwonićjakiś czas temu Zostawiła rzeczy, książki i listy od niego Lecz kiedy słońce wschodzi dla niej,w...
Mary's in India [Portuguese translation]
Danny está solitário porque Mary está na Índia agora Ela disse que ligaria, mas isso foi há três semanas Ela deixou todas as coisas dela boas, seus li...
Me lyrics
I've never had a filling and I've got blue eyes I've got every kind of lipstick you can buy I've got three cupboards for my shoes And a mirror that al...
My Life lyrics
What I choose to do Is of no concern to you And your friends Where I lay my hat May not be my home But I will last on my own Cause it's me and my life...
My Life [Finnish translation]
Se mitä valitsen tehdä ei kuulu sinulle ja ystävillesi Se mihin hattuni lasken ei ehkä ole kotini mutta tulen kestämään omillani Koska tämä on minä ja...
My Life [Romanian translation]
Alegerile pe care le fac nu te interesează pe tine şi prieteni tăi Acolo unde îmi pun pălăria nu poate fi casa mea, dar rezist în felul meu. Motivul s...
My Lover's Gone lyrics
My lover's gone his boots no longer by my door he left at dawn and as I slept I felt him go Returns no more I will not watch the ocean My lover's gone...
My Lover's Gone [Bulgarian translation]
Любимият ми си замина. Ботушите му вече не са пред вратата ми. Замина призори и аз, докато спях, го усетих да си заминава. Никога не ще се върне. Не щ...
My Lover's Gone [Finnish translation]
Rakastajani on poissa Hänen bootsinsa eivät ole enää ovellani Hän lähti aamun sarastaessa Ja kun nukuin, tunsin hänen lähtevän Ei palaa En tahdo katso...
My Lover's Gone [French translation]
Mon amant s'en est allé Ses bottes ne sont plus près de ma porte Il est parti à l'aube Et dans mon sommeil je l'ai senti s'en aller Il ne reviendra pl...
My Lover's Gone [German translation]
Mein Geliebter ist fort. Seine Stiefel nicht mehr länger bei meiner Tür. Er ging im Morgengrauen und als ich geschlafen habe, fühlte ich, dass er ging...
My Lover's Gone [Greek translation]
Ο εραστής μου έφυγε οι μπότες του δεν είναι πια δίπλα στη πόρτα έφυγε την αυγή και καθώς κοιμήθηκα τον ένιωσα να φεύγει Δεν θα επιστρέψει πια Δεν θα κ...
My Lover's Gone [Italian translation]
Mio amante è andato I suoi stivali non sono più nella mia porta Se ne andò all'alba Ed mentre dormivo ho sentito che se n'era andato Non tornerà Non g...
My Lover's Gone [Portuguese translation]
Meu amor se foi Suas botas não estão mais na minha porta Ele saiu no amanhecer E enquanto eu dormia eu o senti ir Nunca mais retornará Não vou olhar o...
My Lover's Gone [Romanian translation]
Iubitul meu a plecat, Ciubotele lui nu mai sunt la uşa mea, A plecat la răsărit, Şi-n timp ce dormeam, l-am simţit plecând, Nu se va mai întoarce, Nu ...
My Lover's Gone [Serbian translation]
Moj ljubavnik je otišao Njegove čizme više nisu kraj mojih vrata Otišao je u svanuće I dok sam spavala osetila sam da odlazi Ne vraćajući se više Neću...
My Lover's Gone [Spanish translation]
Mi amante se ha ido Sus botas ya no están más junto a mi puerta Se fue al amanecer Y mientras dormía, lo sentí marcharse Ya no regresa No miraré el oc...
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