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Abel Pintos lyrics
Peregrinos [English translation]
In a second, without any doubts, It didn't take him more than a minute He wiped the tears from his eyes And ripping all his sorrow, He wrote a farewel...
Piedra libre. lyrics
Ya no corro contra el viento, Ya no escapo más, Sólo quiero estar despierto, Ser un hombre libre y bueno. Toda mi ambición ahora, Es un día más para v...
Piedra libre. [English translation]
I no longer run against the wind, I no longer escape again, I just want to be awake, To be a free and good man. All my ambition now, It’s one more day...
quien pudiera lyrics
quien pudiera olvidar tus besos lejanos quien pudiera tener tu boca en sus manos confunden a mi razon,y opacan mi corazon quien soy quien pudiera cerr...
quien pudiera [English translation]
Who could forget your faraway kisses Who could hold your mouth in his hands They confuse my mind and darken my heart Who am I Who could shut the door ...
Quiero Cantar lyrics
No imaginar un mundo sin fronteras nos amarra y nos condena a este mapa dividido sin razón. Un río que no sangre en el veneno un amor sin prisioneros,...
Sin Principio Ni Final lyrics
Te vuelves parte de mi ser en mis palabras Estás aquí tocando el centro de mi alma Como un eclipse sin final de sol y luna Como lo eterno del amor en ...
Sin Principio Ni Final [English translation]
You become part of me through my words You're here touching the core of my soul Like an endless eclipse of sun and moon Like the eternal of a love in ...
Sin Principio Ni Final [Turkish translation]
Sen kelimelerimde benim bir parçam oluveriyorsun İşte burda sen ruhumun merkezine dokunuyorsun Güneşin ve ayın sonsuz bir tutulması gibi Sonsuz aşkın ...
Tanto amor lyrics
Ha llegado tu recuerdo a desarmar mis horas, aprendi que en el silencio habita la verdad. Solo vivir no me vale la pena si la vivo a solas, ya no se q...
Tanto amor [English translation]
Your memory has come to undo my hours, I learned that in the silence lies the truth. To just be alive is not worth it if I am alone, I don't know what...
Tanto amor [French translation]
Ton souvenir est parvenu à désarmer mon temps, J'ai appris que la vérité se trouve dans le silence. Mais ça ne vaut plus la peine de vivre tout seul, ...
Tanto amor [Italian translation]
E' arrivato il tuo ricordo a disarmare le mie ore, imparai che nel silenzio abita la verità. Solo vivere non vale la pena se vivo solo, non so più che...
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