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Al Green lyrics
Here I Am [Come And Take Me]
I can't believe that it's real, the way that you make me feel. A burning deep down inside, a love that I cannot hide. Our love is you and me baby, tha...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart lyrics
I can think of younger days when living for my life Was everything a man could want to do I could never see tomorrow But I was never told about the so...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [German translation]
Ich erinnere mich an frühere Tage, als ich lebte für mein Leben. Es gab alles, was ein Mann zu tun wünschte. Ich konnte nie die Zukunft sehen, Doch vo...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [Italian translation]
Mi vengono in mente i giorni passati quando vivere per la propria vita Era tutto ciò che un uomo potesse desiderare di fare Potrei non vedere mai il d...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [Romanian translation]
Mă gândesc la zilele din tinereţe, când trăiam doar pentru mine Era tot ce-și putea dori un bărbat N- am putut vedea niciodată ziua de mâine, Dar nime...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [Romanian translation]
Îmi amintesc zilele din tinereţe când să trăiesc doar pentru mine Era tot ceea ce un bărbat putea face, Nu am putut niciodată să văd ziua de mâine, Da...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [Serbian translation]
Mogu da zamislim o onim mlađim danima kada sam živeo život Bilo je sve što bi čovek mogao da poželi Ne bih mogao nikad da vidim šta će biti u budućnos...
How Can You Mend A Broken Heart [Turkish translation]
Gençlik yıllarımı düşünüyorum da, Sadece kendi hayatım için yaşadığım, Bir erkeğin isteyebileceği her şeyi yaptığım günleri... Yarını göremezdim asla ...
Jingle Bells lyrics
Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way Ohh, what...
Jingle Bells [German translation]
Glöckchen klingeln, Glöckchen klingeln, klingeln den ganzen Weg über Glöckchen klingeln, Glöckchen klingeln, klingeln den ganzen Weg über Glöckchen kl...
Jingle Bells [Greek translation]
Κουδουνάκια, κουδουνάκια, kουδουνίζουν παντού Κουδουνάκια, κουδουνάκια, kουδουνίζουν παντού Κουδουνάκια, κουδουνάκια, kουδουνίζουν παντού Ω μα πόση πλ...
Jingle Bells [Persian translation]
صدای جرینگ جرینگ زنگوله ها صدای جرینگ جرینگ زنگوله ها صدای جرینگ جرینگ زنگوله ها در تمام طول راه آه که راندن یک سورتمه روباز تک اسبه چه هیجان انگیز اس...
Jingle Bells [Spanish translation]
Jingle bells, jingle bells , jungle bells todo el camino Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells todo el camino Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle be...
Jingle Bells [Turkish translation]
Zilleri çıngırdat, zilleri çıngırdat, yol boyunca çıngırdat. Zilleri çıngırdat, zilleri çıngırdat, yol boyunca çıngırdat. Zilleri çıngırdat, zilleri ç...
Let's Stay Together lyrics
I'm, I'm so in love with you Whatever you want to do Is alright with me 'Cause you make me feel, so brand new And I want to spend my life with you Me ...
Let's Stay Together [French translation]
Je ... suis tellement en amour avec toi Tout ce que tu veux qu'on fasse Me va parfaitement Car tu m'as fait respirer une vie nouvelle Et je veux passe...
Let's Stay Together [German translation]
Ich bin so in dich verliebt, Was immer du von mir verlangst, Soll mir recht sein. Denn du gibst mir ein Gefühl, so völlig neu, Und Ich möchte mein Leb...
Let's Stay Together [Romanian translation]
Eu, eu sunt atât de îndrăgostit de tine, Orice vrei să faci E în regulă din partea mea Căci tu mă fac să mă simt ca nou Şi vreau să-mi petrec viaţa cu...
Let's Stay Together [Russian translation]
Я, я так люблю тебя Что бы ты ни захотела сделать, Я буду рад всему. Ведь ты даришь мне совершенно новые чувства И я хочу быть с тобой всегда. И я про...
Let's Stay Together [Serbian translation]
Ja, ja sam tako zaljubljen u tebe Šta god da želiš da uradiš Da li je u redu da to uradiš samnom Jer ti me činiš da se osećam, tako sveže ko nov I žel...
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