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Andrew Peterson lyrics
Is He Worthy?
Do you feel the world is broken? (We do) Do you feel the shadows deepen? (We do) But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting t...
Is He Worthy? [Romanian translation]
Simți că lumea e pierdută? (Da, simt) Simți că noaptea-i adâncită? (Da, simt) Dar știi că noaptea cât de grea nu poate-opri lumina Sa? (Da, știu) Știi...
Is He Worthy? [Romanian translation]
Vezi tu azi pacatul lumii? (Da, vad) Esti cuprins de bezna noptii? (Da, sunt) Stii ca noaptea-a fost invinsa de Lumina ce-i in noi? (Da, stiu) Vrei sa...
Is He Worthy? [Russian translation]
Вы чувствуете, что мир осквернён? (О, да!) Вы чувствуете, что тени сгущаются? (О, да!) Но знаете ли вы, что вся эта темнота не помешает свету пробитьс...
Behold The Lamb Of God lyrics
Behold, the Lamb of God Who takes away our sin Behold the Lamb of God The life and light of men Behold the Lamb of God Who died and rose again Behold ...
Behold The Lamb Of God [Italian translation]
Ecco l’Agnello di Dio che toglie il nostro peccato via; Ecco l’Agnello di Dio, la luce e la vita degli uomini; Ecco l’Agnello di Dio, che morì e risus...
Dancing In The Mine Fields lyrics
Well, I was nineteen, you were twenty-one The year we got engaged And everyone said we were much too young But we did it anyway We got the rings for f...
Dancing In The Mine Fields [Russian translation]
Well, I was nineteen, you were twenty-one The year we got engaged And everyone said we were much too young But we did it anyway We got the rings for f...
The Ballad of Jody Baxter lyrics
Do you remember, Jody Baxter When the whippoorwill sings How you stole across the pasture To the little hidden spring? Where you laid down by the wate...
The Ballad of Jody Baxter [Russian translation]
Вспоминаешь ли ты, Джоди Бэкстер Когда кричит козодой О том, как ты пробирался через пастбище К тому маленькому, затерянному роднику? Туда, где ты леж...
The sower's song lyrics
Oh God, I am furrowed like the field Torn open like the dirt And I know that to be healed That I must be broken first I am aching for the yield That Y...
The sower's song [Hebrew translation]
אוי אלוהים, בקוע אני כמו השדה קרוע כמו האדמה ויודע אני שכדי להירפא עליי קודם להישבר מתייסר אני בציפייה ליבול אשר תקצור אתה מן הכאב הזה שכון בתוכי תן ל...
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