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Starfield lyrics
Son of God
Son of God Shaper of the stars You alone The dweller of my heart Mighty King How beautiful You are, how beautiful Son of God The Father's gift to us Y...
Son of God [Chinese translation]
神儿子 成型了明星 唯有你 居民在我的心 万能王 你有多美丽,多美丽 神儿子 神给我们的礼 唯有你 在祭坛上被献 珍贵羔羊 我的自由在你血液,在你血液 耶稣,圣洁神 我唱给你 蒙赦免 救主,我已克服 因为你对我的爱 神儿子 实力无法比拟 唯有你 黑暗不能承受 神是爱 你善良吸引我靠近,它吸引我 神儿...
Cry In My Heart lyrics
There's a cry in my heart For Your glory to fall For Your presence to fill up my senses There's a yearning again A thirst for discipline A hunger for ...
Cry In My Heart [German translation]
Es ist ein Schrei in meinem Herzen. Für Deine Herrlichkeit zu fallen. Für deine Anwesenheit meine Sinne zu füllen. Es ist wieder eine Sehnsucht da. Ei...
Cry In My Heart [Romanian translation]
Este un plânset în inima mea Pentru ca gloria ta să piară Pentru ca prezența ta să îmi umple simțurile Este o dorință din nou O sete de disciplină O f...
Hosanna lyrics
I see the King of Glory Coming on the clouds with fire The whole earth shakes The whole earth shakes I see His love and mercy Washing over all our sin...
Innocence and Other Things Lost lyrics
Verse 1: Things once certain, I no longer trust My sure foundations have crumbled to dust I would scale the highest height Or search the depths to fin...
Reign in Us lyrics
You thought of us before the world began to breathe And you knew our names before we came to be You saw the very day we'd fall away from you And how d...
Unashamed lyrics
Verse 1 I have not much To offer You Not near what You deserve But still I come Because Your cross Has placed in me my worth Verse 2 Oh, Christ my Kin...
Unashamed [Chinese translation]
1. 我拿什麼來獻給祢 與祢應得相比 我仍前來 因祢十架 賦予珍貴價值 2. 我主基督憐恤之王 受傷使我平安 主恩長闊稱我為友 憐憫賜我自由 (副歌) 我知我軟弱 我知我不配得 呼求祢的聖名 但因主奇妙 大恩典和憐憫 我站立不至羞愧 3. 難以形容此等大愛 使我謙卑驚鄂 竟從高天尊榮降下 面對面迎接...
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