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The Monkees lyrics
Pleasant Valley Sunday [Chinese translation]
本地摇滚乐队在街边 努力练习他们的歌 准备在周末夜里演唱 乡绅们出来修剪草坪 又一个欢乐山谷的周日 到处都有篝火噼啪作响 一排排房子长得一模一样 根本没人注意到 格雷夫人今天得意洋洋 因为她的玫瑰花盛开 格林先生则是稳坐泰山 他在每个房间里都安了电视机 又是一个快乐山谷周末 在这片追名逐利的土地上 ...
Pleasant Valley Sunday [Finnish translation]
Paikallinen rokkibändi kadun varrelta opettelee kiivaasti lauluaan He serenoivat viikonlopun seuralaiselle joka tuli vain leikkaamaan nurmikkoaan Taas...
Poll lyrics
"that song was pretty white" "and i'll tell you something else, too, the same thing goes for christmas" (gasp) "he's crazy" "boys, don't never, but ne...
Porpoise Song lyrics
My, my the clock in the sky is pounding away There's so much to say A face, a voice, an overdub has no choice And it cannot rejoice Wanting to be, to ...
Propinquity [I've Just Begun To Care] lyrics
I've known for a long time The kind of girl you are. Of a smile that covers teardrops, The way your head yields to you heart. Of things you've kept in...
Randy Scouse Git lyrics
She's a wonderful lady And she's mine, all mine And there doesn't seem a way That she won't come and lose my mind It's too easy humming songs To a gir...
Randy Scouse Git [Finnish translation]
Hän on hieno nainen Ja hän on minun, kokonaan minun Eikä ikinä näytä käyvän niin, etteikö hän saapuessaan saisi minua sekaisin On kovin helppoa hyräil...
Regional Girl lyrics
She's a regional girl Come to the big city Give it a whirl She thinks that she can make it She thinks that she can take it I think she's gonna end up ...
Riu Chiu lyrics
Riu riu chiu, la guarda ribera; Dios guardo el lobo de nuestra cordera, Dios guardo el lobo de neustra cordera. El lobo rabioso la quiso morder, Mas D...
Riu Chiu [English translation]
Riu riu chiu hear the joyful singing message of delight the knighting gail is singing message of delight the knighting gail is singing Riu riu chiu he...
Riu Chiu [English translation]
River, roaring river, guard our homes in safety, God has kept the black wolf from our lamb, our Lady. God has kept the black wolf from our lamb, our L...
Rosemarie lyrics
Rosemarie, once you see, Rosemarie, once, Rosemarie, come and see, Rosemarie, come. Syncopatin', meditatin', formulatin', allocatin', Titillatin', con...
Run Away From Life lyrics
Let's run away from life together Let me run away from life with you Let's run away from life together Leave behind the stormy weather Let's find out ...
Salesman lyrics
Salesman, where you gonna go sell (Salesman) All of your goods today? Salesman, gonna walk along the street (Salesman) See friends along the way Whoa,...
Saturday's Child lyrics
Monday had a sad child Always feeling low down, Tuesday had a dream child She's always on the go So I'm in love with Saturday's child Every time you t...
Secret Heart lyrics
No other love stood the test of time Can you imagine how I'd feel if you were mine? Once I know it's not make-believe It's plain to see that you've go...
Shades Of Gray lyrics
When the world and I were young Just yesterday Life was such a simple game A child could play It was easy then to tell right from wrong Easy then to t...
Shades Of Gray [German translation]
When the world and I were young Just yesterday Life was such a simple game A child could play It was easy then to tell right from wrong Easy then to t...
She lyrics
She, she told me that she loved me, And like a fool I believed her from the start. She, she said she'd never hurt me, But then she turned around and b...
She Hangs Out lyrics
How old d'you say your sister was? (sister was, sister was) How old d'you say your sister was? (sister was, sister was) You know you'd better keep an ...
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