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Beck lyrics
I'm Down lyrics
I'm down, I'm down and this town is a nuisance It'll put your backbone all in a ruin And with the area code of a truant I'm fluent in the hazards of l...
Lord Only Knows lyrics
Ah! You only got one finger left And it's pointing at the door And you're taking for granted What the Lord's made on the floor So I'm picking up the p...
Loser lyrics
In the time of chimpanzees I was a monkey Butane in my veins so I'm out to cut the junkie With the plastic eyeballs, spray paint the vegetables Dog fo...
Loser [Croatian translation]
U vrijeme čimpanzi bio sam majmun Butan u mojim venama Pa sam vani da prekinem biti drogeraš S plastičnim očima, zasprejaj boju na povrće Štandovi pse...
Loser [French translation]
À l'époque des chimpanzés, j'étais un singe Du butane dans les veines, donc je suis là pour couper le junkie Avec les globes oculaires en plastique, j...
Loser [German translation]
Zur Zeit der Schimpansen war ich ein Affe Butan in meinen Venen, ich bin dabei den Junkie zu überholen Mit den Augäpfeln aus Plastik, bemale das Gemüs...
Loser [Greek translation]
Την εποχή των χιμπατζίδων ήμουν μαϊμού Βουτάνιο στις φλέβες μου κι ετσι θα κόψω το πρρεζόνι Με τους πλαστικούς οφθαλμούς, βαψε με σπρεϋ τα λαχανικά πε...
Loser [Italian translation]
Nell'era degli scimpanzé io ero una scimmia, butano nelle mie vene, così non eliminerò le tossine con le pupille di plastica, spruzzo con la bombolett...
Loser [Romanian translation]
În timpul cimpanzeilor eu eram un maimuţoi Butan în venele mele, deci sunt gata să tai prostiile Cu ochii de plastic, vopsind legumele Mâncarea de câi...
Loser [Serbian translation]
U doba šimpanzi ja sam bio majmun Butan u mojim venama tako da sam napolju da posečem narkomana Sa plastičnim očima,farba povrće sprejem Tezge sa pseć...
Loser [Spanish translation]
Cuando reinaban los chimpancés yo era mono Tengo butano en las venas,y salgo a rajar al drogadicto Con globos oculares de plástico, pinto las verduras...
Loser [Turkish translation]
şempanzeler zamanında ben bir maymundum damarlarımda bütan, bu yüzden dışarı çıktım keşliği bırakmaya plastik göz yuvaları, sprey boya, sebzelerle kas...
Lost Cause lyrics
Your sorry eyes; they cut through bone They make it hard to leave you alone Leave you here wearing your wounds Waving your guns at somebody new Baby y...
Lost Cause [Romanian translation]
Ochii tăi trişti mă taie la os, Mă fac să-mi fie greu să te las singură, Să te las aici cu rănile tale, Fluturându-ţi armele prin faţa cuiva nou. Iubi...
Lost Cause [Spanish translation]
Tus ojos tristes; son capaces de cortar a través del hueso hacen que sea difícil dejarte sola dejarte aquí con tus heridas sacudiendo tus armas a algu...
Lost Cause [Turkish translation]
Üzgün gözlerin; kemiğe işliyor Seni yalnız bırakmamı zorlaştırıyorlar Seni burada yaralar içinde bırakıyorum Silahlarını yeni birine sallarken Bebeğim...
Mixed Bizness lyrics
I'm mixing business with leather Christmas with Heather Freaks flock together And make all the be-boys scream All right Turn it up now All right Turn ...
Morning lyrics
Woke up this morning Found a love light in the storm Looked up this morning Saw the roses full of thorns Guns are falling They don't have nowhere to g...
Morning [Turkish translation]
Bu sabah uyandım, fırtınanın içinde bir sevgi ışığı buldum Sabah etrafa baktım , dikenlerle çevrili gülleri gördüm Silahlar düşüyor ,onların gidecek y...
New Round lyrics
When the oceans are dark The heavens are foreboding A chain link wind Is breaking you open And lessons of the day On a blackboard night It seem to be ...
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