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Roxette lyrics
Fool lyrics
I was alone. I told my mouth to shut up 'cause I was talking to myself like I always do when I'm stuck. Well, I was crying. You could be crying too. I...
From a distance lyrics
Even if you spend time I'm hard to find in the light No tears, no need No hint of sadness inside Though I'm angry, lonely Got no life to live And I'm ...
From a distance [Portuguese translation]
Mesmo que você gaste [o seu] tempo É difícil me encontrar durante o 1 dia Nenhuma lágrima nem necessidade Nenhum indício de tristeza dentro [de mim] N...
From a distance [Spanish translation]
Incluso si le dedicas tiempo, es difícil hallarme a la luz. No hay lágrimas ni necesidad. Ni un atisbo de soledad en el interior. Aunque me sienta eno...
From Head to Toe lyrics
I knew the minute I saw you That we, we were two of a kind And I knew, yea, when I danced with you Abduct in a miracle mind I keep my head up high I k...
From One Heart to Another lyrics
Running, running from one heart to another Echoes of loneliness Traces from love affairs Will never disappear Always come through I thought I'd never ...
Go to Sleep lyrics
(Baby... before you go to sleep...) (Baby...) There's a shadow on the terrace, a snow dance for the living. There's heavy weather on the way. (I heard...
Go to Sleep [Spanish translation]
(Cariño... antes de que te vayas a dormir...) (Cariño...) Hay una sombra en la terraza, un baile níveo para los vivos. El mal clima se aproxima. (Lo o...
Good Karma lyrics
Sense you're all on a ship With the wind, and the sun And you close just one eye Cos you're not really sure If you wanna be alone Come along and check...
Good Karma [Chinese translation]
你們都在船上 乘著風 曬日光 你闔上一隻眼 你也不確定 是不是想獨自待著 來吧 看吧 看吧 過來吧 這就是所謂的 善有善報 來吧 看吧 看吧 過來吧 這就是所謂的 善有善報 你們都在房裡 躺在雙人床上 你們的床上 喔 你闔上一隻眼 你也不確定 是不是想獨自夢著 來吧 看吧 看吧 過來吧 這就是所謂的...
Goodbye to You lyrics
Goodbye to you, goodbye to broken hearts Googbye to romance hiding in the dark Nights that leave a scar Goodbye to you, goodbye to empty cards Goodbye...
Habla el corazón lyrics
En realidad yo dudo tanto de ti. Por más que intento no me dejo llevar. Bebo tu amor y me sienta fatal, pero yo te quiero, bien o mal. Habla el corazó...
Habla el corazón [Croatian translation]
U stvari toliko sumnjam u tebe, koliko god da pokušava, ne dam se zavesti, vidim drugu ljubav i osjecam se fatalno. Ali ja te volim, više, govori srce...
Habla el corazón [English translation]
Actually, I doubt you so much. Even though I try, I can't get carried away. I drink your love and it's just awful to me but I love you, for better or ...
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow lyrics
Daylight is breaking again I hide in the dark I'm watching the rain You're out of touch You're out of reach What can I say? I never wanted it this way...
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow [Czech translation]
Denní světlo se dere na svět, já se skrývám ve stínu a dívám se, jak prší. Nejsi se mnou v kontaktu, jsi mimo můj dosah. Co můžu říct? Nikdy jsem to t...
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow [German translation]
Das Tageslicht bricht sich wieder Ich verstecke mich im Dunkeln Ich beobachte den Regen Du bist unberührbar Du bist unerreichbar Was kann ich sagen? I...
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow [Hungarian translation]
A napfény újra megtört, Elrejtőzöm a sötétben, Figyelem az esőt, Nem tudlak megérinteni, Nem érlek el, Mit mondhatnék? Sosem akartam, hogy így legyen....
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow [Russian translation]
Дневной свет пробивается, а я снова прячусь в темноте. Я наблюдаю дождь. До тебя не дотронуться, до тебя не достать. Что я могу сказать? Я никогда не ...
Half a Woman, Half a Shadow [Spanish translation]
La luz del dia se quiebra de nuevo Me escondo en el oscuro Estoy mirando la lluvia Estas fuera de ser tocado Estay fuera de ser logrado Que puedo deci...
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