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Dougie MacLean also performed lyrics
I don't know if you can see The changes that have come over me In these last few days I've been afraid We might drift away I've been telling old stori...
Caledonia [Italian translation]
Non so se si vede quanto mi abbiano cambiato questa manciata di giorni in cui ho avuto paura di perdermi. Così ho raccontato vecchie storie, cantato c...
Gloomy winter’s now awa’
Gloomy winter’s now awa’, Saft the westlan’ breezes blaw, ‘Mang the birks o’ Stanley shaw The mavis sings fu’ cheery, O; Sweet the crawflower’s early ...
Gloomy winter’s now awa’ [Italian translation]
Gloomy winter’s now awa’, Saft the westlan’ breezes blaw, ‘Mang the birks o’ Stanley shaw The mavis sings fu’ cheery, O; Sweet the crawflower’s early ...
Oh, are ye sleepin’ Maggie
I Mirk and rainy isthe nicht, there’s no’ a starn in a’ the carry Lichtnin’s gleam athwart the lift, and (cauld) winds drive wi’ winter’s fury. CHORUS...
Oh, are ye sleepin’ Maggie [Italian translation]
I Buia e piovosa è la notte non c’è una stella che mandi raggi di luce in tutto il cielo1 e i venti freddi si uniscono alla furia dell’inverno. RITORN...
The Trooper and the Maid
A trooper lad came here ae night Wi' riding he was weary A trooper lad cam' here ae night When the moon shone bright and clearly She's taen the troope...
The Trooper and the Maid [Italian translation]
A trooper lad came here ae night Wi' riding he was weary A trooper lad cam' here ae night When the moon shone bright and clearly She's taen the troope...
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