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Wings lyrics
Mull of Kintyre [Romanian translation]
Mull of Kintyre, abur ce se rostogoleşte din mare dorinţa mea e să fiu mereu aici, O, Mull of Kintyre Am călătorit departe şi multe-am văzut munţi neg...
Mull of Kintyre [Russian translation]
Мыс Кинтайр О, густые туманы плывут с моря. Моё желание - всегда быть здесь. О, Мыс Кинтайр Я бывал в дальних краях и много повидал: Далёкие мрачные г...
Must Do Something About It lyrics
I've just seen another sunset on my own. All day long I've been alone, and I must do something about it, yes I must do something about it. Played anot...
My Love lyrics
And when I go away I know my heart can stay with my love It's understood It's in the hands of my love And my love does it good Whoa tha whoa whoa, who...
My Love [Romanian translation]
Iar când plec, ştiu că inima mea poate sta cu dragostea mea se-nţelege e-n mâinile dragostei mele şi dragostea mea o face bine Whoa tha whoa whoa, who...
My Love [Spanish translation]
Y cuando me vaya Se que mi corazón puede quedarse con mi amor Se entiende Está en las manos de mi amor Y mi amor lo hace bien Mi amor lo hace bien Y c...
Name And Address lyrics
Our love affair was over on the second day You packed a bag and like a birdie flew away (Refrain) Meanwhile I'm sitting here, I'm getting in a mess If...
Name And Address [Russian translation]
Наш роман закончился на второй день знакомства, ты собрала свою сумку и улетела как птичка. ПРИПЕВ: А я тем временем, сидя здесь, погружаюсь в разлад....
Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five [1985] lyrics
On no one left alive in 1985, will ever do She may be right She may be fine She may get love but she won't get mine 'cause I got you (REFRAIN) Oh I oh...
Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five [1985] [Romanian translation]
Oh, niciun om rămas viu în 1985 n-ar fi de folos. Poate că are dreptate Poate că-i bună poate că ar aduce iubire dar nu pe-a mea fiindcă eu te am pe t...
Nineteen Hundred And Eighty Five [1985] [Spanish translation]
Nadie seguía vivo En mil novecientos ochenta y cinco, alguna vez hará Puede ser que ella tenga razón Que ella sea guapa Que ella consiga amor Pero no ...
No Words lyrics
You want to give your love away And end up giving nothing I'm not surprised, that your black eyes Are gazing. You say that love is everything And what...
No Words [Spanish translation]
Quieres dar tu amor y terminas por no dar nada. No me sorprende que tus ojos negros observen. Dices que el amor lo es todo y lo que más necesitamos. D...
Old Siam, Sir lyrics
In a village in Old Siam Sir Lived a lady Who lost her way In an effort To find a man, sir She found herself In the old U.K. She waited round In Walth...
Only One More Kiss lyrics
Only One More Kiss I Didn't Mean To Hurt You Little Girl Let's Make It One To Remember Only One More Kiss I Said A Foolish Thing Last Night I Didn't T...
Picasso's Last Words [Drink To Me] lyrics
The grand old painter died last night His paintings on the wall Before he went he bade us well And said goodnight to us all. Refrain2x Drink to me, dr...
Picasso's Last Words [Drink To Me] [Polish translation]
Wielki malarz zmarł ubiegłej nocy Jego obraz wisi na ścianie Zanim zmarł, pożegnał się z nami I życzył wszystkim dobrej nocy. 2x “Wypijcie za mnie, pi...
Picasso's Last Words [Drink To Me] [Russian translation]
Великий старый художник умер этой ночью. Его картины висят на стене. Уходя из жизни, он сказал: -Всего хорошего, и пожелал всем нам: - Спокойной ночи....
Power Cut lyrics
There May Be A Powercut And The Candles Burn Down Low But Something Inside Of Me Says The Bad News Isn't So I May Never Tell You But Baby You Should K...
Power Cut [Romanian translation]
There May Be A Powercut And The Candles Burn Down Low But Something Inside Of Me Says The Bad News Isn't So I May Never Tell You But Baby You Should K...
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