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Luca Barbarossa also performed lyrics
Portami a ballare lyrics
Portami a ballare. Portami a ballare uno di quei balli antichi che nessuno sa fare più. Sciogli i tuoi capelli. Lasciali volare. Lasciali girare forte...
Portami a ballare [English translation]
Take me to dance. Take me to dance one of those ancient dances nobody knows how to dance anymore. Let your hair loose. Let it fly. Let it spin vigorou...
Portami a ballare [Spanish translation]
Llévame a bailar. Llévame a bailar uno de esos bailes antiguos que ya nadie sabe bailar. Suelta tu cabello. Déjalo volar. Déjalo girar con fuerza a nu...
Lucio Battisti - La canzone del sole
Le bionde trecce, gli occhi azzurri e poi le tue calzette rosse. E l’innocenza sulle gote tue, due arance ancor più rosse. E la cantina buia dove noi ...
La canzone del sole [Arabic translation]
جديلة شقراء، عينان زرقاوتان ومن ثم، جورباك الأحمران والبرائة في خدك أكثر حمرة حتى من برتقالتين والقبو المظلم حيث تنفسنا بهدوء وهروبك وصوت صداك قائلة "...
La canzone del sole [English translation]
Blonde braids, blue eyes, and then Your red socks And the innocence on your cheeks Two oranges even more redder And the dark basement where we breathe...
La canzone del sole [English translation]
Blonde braids, blue eyes, and then your red socks And the innocence on your cheeks – two oranges redder still And the dark cellar where we breathed so...
La canzone del sole [French translation]
Les blondes tresses, les yeux bleus et puis tes chaussettes rouges Et l'innocence sur tes joues Deux oranges encore plus rouges Et la sombre cave où n...
La canzone del sole [German translation]
Die blonden Zöpfe, die azurblauen Augen und dann, deine roten Socken und die Unschuld auf deinen Backen Zwei Orangen, noch röter (zwei noch rötere Ora...
La canzone del sole [Greek translation]
Η ξανθιά πλένει τα γαλάζια μάτια και μετά τις κόκκινες κάλτσες σου Και η αθωότητα στα μάγουλα σου, δυο πορτοκάλια ακόμη πιο κόκκινα. Και η σκοτεινή κα...
La canzone del sole [Turkish translation]
Sarışın örgüler, mavi gözler ve sonra şu kırmızı çorapların ve yanaklarındaki masumluk, daha da kırmızı iki portakal ve o karanlık bodrum (sessizce so...
Stormy Six - Union maid
There once was a union maid, she never was afraid Of goons and ginks and company finks And the deputy sheriffs who made the raid She went to the union...
Italiani d'America lyrics
Figlio d'italiani d'America Mio padre è arrivato qua Che era ancora piccolino Così tanto tempo fa Sulle spalle di mio nonno Guardava i grattacieli E g...
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