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Laleh lyrics
Bjurö klubb [English translation]
I was out at Bjurö Club and I looked at the beach And the waves crawled and I waded into the night And I, I was a winner around the water And I, I was...
Bjurö klubb [Greek translation]
Ήμουν έξω στο κλαμπ Bjurö και κοιτούσα την θάλασα Και τα κύματα σύρθηκαν και βρήκα τη νύχτα Και εγώ, εγώ ήμουν νικήτρια γύρω απο το νερό Και εγώ, εγώ ...
Bostadsansökan lyrics
Kära Drottning och vår Kung Kom hit och representera För här I kylan på vårt torg står ungdomar med flera Vi har ingenstans att bo Säg, finns det plat...
Bostadsansökan [English translation]
Dear Queen and our King Come here and represent Because out here in the cold at our town square there's adolescents and more We don't have anywhere to...
Call on me lyrics
You don't have to worry If you're alone tonight You don't have to worry Someone's on your side You don't have to worry Someone in you're life is waiti...
Call on me [Greek translation]
Δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχήσεις αν είσαι μόνος απόψε. Δεν χρειάζεσαι να ανησυχήσεις, κάποιος σου συμπαρίσταται. Δεν χρειάζεται να ανησυχήσεις επειδή κάπ...
Call on me [Russian translation]
Тебе не надо беспокоиться, Если ты один этим вечером, Тебе не надо беспокоиться, Кое-кто всегда на твоей стороне, Тебе не надо беспокоиться, Кое-кто в...
Call on me [Serbian translation]
Ne moraš da brineš Ako si usamljen noćas Ne moraš da brineš Neko je na tvojoj strani Ne moraš da brineš Neko u tvom životu Čeka sasvim sam Kod kuće na...
Change lyrics
Morning is breaking up We've been waiting long For the light to come, ey It used to be one of us Now it's all of us And this world I'm waking up to I ...
City of Angels lyrics
Waking up, I’m waking up Sunny side up, can’t be gloomy Walk along strangers And everybody smiles
, but all I’m thinking is Why am I here? It’s nice I...
Closer lyrics
Light a candle by my window, so you see I’m home Do you ever stop outside my window If you do then I’m watching the candle too If you do then I’m watc...
Colors lyrics
I had a talk with the shadow and the light fighting for me they said put your tricks aside and for once believe How can I, I don’t, I never did. I don...
Colors [French translation]
J'ai eu une discussion avec l'ombre et la lumière qui se battaient pour moi Elles ont dit : "Mets tes ruses de côté, et pour une fois, aie confiance!"...
Colors [Italian translation]
Ho parlato* con l'oscurità e la luce mentre mi stavano contendendo mi dicevano di lasciar perdere gli scherzi e di credere una volta per tutte Come po...
Colors [Russian translation]
У меня был разговор с тенью и светом, Борющихся за меня, Они сказали, отбрось в сторону свои привычки, И на этот раз поверь Как я могу, я не могу, Я н...
Colors [Serbian translation]
Pričala sam sa senkom i svetlošću Koje su se borile za mene Rekle su da ostavim svoje trikove po strani I da makar jednom verujem Kako mogu, ne mogu, ...
Colors [Spanish translation]
Tuve una charla con la sombra y la luz luchando por mi me dijeron que me deje de tonterías y que crea por una vez Cómo puedo, no puedo, nunca pude. No...
Colors [Swedish translation]
Jag talade med mörkret och ljuset Stridande om mig De "sade sluta upp med dina trick, Och tro för en gångs skull" Hur kan jag, jag gör det inte Jag ha...
Colors [Turkish translation]
Gölgeyle ve ışıkla konuştum, benim için savaşan Dedikler ki "numaralarını bir kenara bırak Ve bir kez olsun inan" "Nasıl inanabilirim, inanmıyorum, Hi...
Dark shadow lyrics
Dark shadow pass You're standing in my view I can't see by you I'm hanging loose like jupiter with shaking knees like tambourines And it seems you're ...
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