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Francesca Michielin featuring lyrics
Magnifico lyrics
E gli anni passano e non ci cambiano, davvero trovi che sia diverso? Guardami in faccia i miei occhi parlano e tu dovresti ascoltarli un po' più spess...
Magnifico [Croatian translation]
I kako godine prolaze mi se ne mijenjamo, zaista misliš da sam drugačiji? Gledaj me u lice, moje oči govore, a ti bi ih trebala slušati češće. Sretna ...
Magnifico [English translation]
And the years pass and don’t change us Do really find that I’m different? Look me in the face, my eyes talk And you should to listen them a little mor...
Magnifico [English translation]
And the years go by and don't change us Do you really find it different? Look at my face and my eyes speak And you should listen to them a little more...
Magnifico [English translation]
And the years go and don't change us Do you realment think that am I different? Watch my face my eyes are talking And you should listen them more time...
Magnifico [English translation]
And the years go and don't change us Do you realment think that am I different? Watch my face my eyes are talking And you should listen them more time...
Magnifico [English translation]
And as the years go by and they don't change us, You really find that I am different? Look me in the face, my eyes speak And you need to listen to the...
Magnifico [English translation]
And as the years go by and they don't change us, You really find that I am different? Look me in the face my eyes speak And you need to listen to them...
Magnifico [English translation]
And as the years go by and we don't change, You really find them different? Look me in the face and my eyes speak And you need to listen to them more ...
Magnifico [French translation]
Les années passent et ne nous changent pas, Tu trouves vraiment que c'est différent? Regarde-moi en face et mes yeux parlent Et tu devrais les écouter...
Magnifico [German translation]
Und die Jahre vergehen und wir ändern uns nicht, findest du wirklich, dass das anders ist? Schau mir ins Gesicht, meine Augen sprechen und du solltest...
Magnifico [Greek translation]
Και τα χρόνια περνούν και δεν αλλάζουν, Πραγματικάβρίσκεις κάτι να είναι διαφορετικό; Κοίτα με στο πρόσωπο τα μάτια μου μιλούν και πρέπει να τα ακούς ...
Magnifico [Hungarian translation]
Az évek telnek és nem változunk Tényleg másnak találod a dolgokat? Nézz szembe velem, a szemeim beszélnek és kicsit gyakrabban meg kéne őket hallgatno...
Fotografia [Hungarian translation]
[Első versszak: Carl Brave] „Szeret, nem szeret”-et játszik egy négylevelűn (ok) Kitartunk mint a sziklát csapkodó hullámok (ja) Eljösz ugyan, de soha...
(Oh Andry) Eu acordei num corpo alheio Eu acordei pra mudar minha visão Que as pessoas têm o mundo dentro Fico de luzes na escuridão Caminhei distânci...
Ginga [Italian translation]
(Oh Andry) Eu acordei num corpo alheio Eu acordei pra mudar minha visão Que as pessoas têm o mundo dentro Fico de luzes na escuridão Caminhei distânci...
Ginga [Portuguese translation]
(Oh Andry) Eu acordei num corpo alheio Eu acordei pra mudar minha visão Que as pessoas têm o mundo dentro Fico de luzes na escuridão Caminhei distânci...
Il mio posto a Slaughter Race [In This Place]
Non so che fare adesso, sono ferma qui Io non so dove sei, se ti rivedrò Ma non mi importa niente, se sono piccola Se tutti corrono intorno a me Vedi,...
Il mio posto a Slaughter Race [In This Place] [English translation]
Non so che fare adesso, sono ferma qui Io non so dove sei, se ti rivedrò Ma non mi importa niente, se sono piccola Se tutti corrono intorno a me Vedi,...
Il mio posto a Slaughter Race [In This Place] [German translation]
Non so che fare adesso, sono ferma qui Io non so dove sei, se ti rivedrò Ma non mi importa niente, se sono piccola Se tutti corrono intorno a me Vedi,...
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