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Juice Newton lyrics
Lay Back in the Arms of Someone
If you want my sympathy Just open your heart to me You'll get whatever you'll ever need You think that's too high for you But oh baby, I would die for...
A Little Love lyrics
You say a little love isn't enough for you Sometimes I feel lucky just to get a little coming through CHORUS: I weigh the differences everyday Sometim...
Adiós mi corazón lyrics
Lost in this small hotel Somewhere south of the border Trying to sleep through The heat of a Mexican night Somehow, the words I once Had so easily mas...
Angel of the Morning lyrics
There'll be no strings to bind your hands Not if my love can't bind your heart. And there's no need to take a stand For it was I who chose to start. I...
Angel of the Morning [Chinese translation]
不會有繩索去綁住你雙手 除非我的愛無法綁住你的心 而沒有需要表達立場 因為我是選擇開始的一個 我想沒有需要帶我回家 我年齡已夠大去面對晨曦 就叫我做早上的天使吧,天使 你離開我前碰碰我的臉吧,寶貝 叫我做早上的天使吧,天使 然後緩緩地轉身離我而去 也許陽光會轉暗 但怎麼都已經再沒關係 如果早上的回音...
Angel of the Morning [Croatian translation]
Ne postoje uzice koje će zavezati tvoje ruke Ne ako moja ljubav ne može vezati tvoje srce I nema potrebe da se zauzme stav Zato jer sam ja započela Ne...
Angel of the Morning [Czech translation]
Nikdo, ani já, ruce ti nesváže, pokud láska má srdce tvé nespoutá. A není nutné za tím si stát, to já rozhodla se něco si začínat. Chápu, nemáš důvod ...
Angel of the Morning [French translation]
Il n'y aura pas de ficelles pour t'entraver les mains ; Non, si mon amour ne peut pas gagner ton cœur. Et il n'est pas nécessaire de nous prononcer (s...
Angel of the Morning [German translation]
Es wird keine Fesseln geben, um dir die Hände zu binden Nicht, wenn meine Liebe dein Herz nicht binden kann Und es besteht auch nicht die Notwendigkei...
Angel of the Morning [Greek translation]
Δε θα υπάρχουν χορδές να δεσμεύσουν τα χέρια σου Όχι αν η αγάπη μου δεν μπορεί να δεσμεύσει την καρδιά σου Δε χρειάζεται να διαλέξεις Γιατί εγώ ήθελα ...
Angel of the Morning [Hungarian translation]
Nincsenek húrok hogy megkössék a kezed Nem, ha a szerelmem képtelen megkötni a szíved És nincs szükség arra, hogy kiállj Ezért én voltam aki a kezdést...
Angel of the Morning [Romanian translation]
Nu vor fi sfori ca să-ți leg mâinile, Nici dacă iubirea mea nu-ți poate lega inima. Și nu-i nevoie să iei atitudine, Căci eu am fost cea care a ales s...
Angel of the Morning [Russian translation]
Я не стану ограничивать твою свободу, Если моя любовь не смогла пленить твоего сердца. И не надо оправдываться, Ведь это я все начала. Не стоит подвоз...
Angel of the Morning [Spanish translation]
No habrá cadenas que lastren tu voluntad No si mi amor no puede conquistar tu corazón. No hay necesidad de tomarnos un tiempo Pues fui yo quien decidi...
Angel of the Morning [Turkish translation]
Ellerini bağlamak için ipler olmayacak Aşkımın kalbini bağlayamaması durumunda. Tavır almak gereksiz Başlamayı seçen bendim. Anlıyorum ki beni eve bır...
Dirty looks lyrics
If I don't go now, I never will Lord, I'd be dead if looks could kill Those slings and arrows thrown my way Maybe you just made your passion play With...
Eye of a Hurricane lyrics
Oh, love, you know me by now When it's rough, we'll ride it out And my love is never gonna hurt you And my love is gonna be your shelter from the stor...
I'm Dancing As Fast As I Can lyrics
He said, "I've seen you before" As the band broke into Misty I put one hand on the bar the whole room by then was starting to spin I said "you've got ...
Love's been a little bit hard on me lyrics
I've got nothing to be ashamed of (Love's been a little bit hard on me) If I shy away it's only because (Love's been a little bit hard on me) (Love's ...
Low Down And Lonesome lyrics
Well I ain't never been to Folsom But I've damn sure done my time Tryin' to please a Woman Tryin' to walk the Line When she washed her hands of our lo...
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