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Juice Newton also performed lyrics
Roy Hamilton - Hurt
I'm hurt To think that you lied to me Hurt Way down deep inside of me You said your love was true And we'd never part Now you want someone new And it ...
Bonnie Tyler - It's a Heartache
It's a heartache Nothing but a heartache Hits you when it's too late Hits you when you're down It's a fool's game Nothing but a fool's game Standing i...
It's a Heartache [Croatian translation]
To je bol u srcu Samo bol u srcu Sredi te kad je prekasno Sredi te kad si na dnu To je igra za budale Samo igra za budale Stojiš na hladnoj kiši Osjeć...
It's a Heartache [French translation]
C'est un chagrin d'amour, Rien d'autre qu'un chagrin d'amour Qui te frappe quand c'est trop tard, Qui te frappe quand tu déprimes. C'est un jeu de dup...
It's a Heartache [French translation]
* C'est un chagrin d'amour Rien d'autre qu'un chagrin d'amour Qui te frappe quand c'est trop tard Qui te frappe quand tu déprimes C'est un attrape-nig...
It's a Heartache [German translation]
Es ist Herzschmerz, Weiter nichts als Herzschmerz, Er trifft dich, wenn's zu spät ist, Er trifft dich, wenn du am Boden bist. Es ist Blödsinn, Weiter ...
It's a Heartache [German translation]
Es ist Seelenqual Nichts anderes als Seelenqual Sie trifft dich, wenn es zu spät ist. Sie trifft dich, wenn du deprimiert bist Es ist Unsinn Nichts al...
It's a Heartache [Greek translation]
Είναι ένας πόνος στη καρδιά Είναι ένας πόνος στη καρδιά Σε βρίσκει όταν είναι πολύ αργά Σε βρίσκει όταν είσαι στα κάτω σου Είναι ένα ανόητο παιχνίδι Τ...
It's a Heartache [Hungarian translation]
ez egy nagy kín lelket gyötrő nagy kín szívet őrlő nagy kín padlóra küld, ha eltalál. őrült játék nem más mint egy játék közben hűvös eső ver mint egy...
It's a Heartache [Italian translation]
È un crepacuore, nient'altro che un crepacuore, ti colpisce quando è troppo tardi, ti colpisce quando sei giù. È un gioco da sciocchi, nient'altro che...
It's a Heartache [Italian translation]
E’ un tormento niente altro che un tormento che ti colpisce quando è troppo tardi ti colpisce quando sei giù È un gioco stupido Niente altro che un gi...
It's a Heartache [Portuguese translation]
São só mágoas Nada além de mágoas Que te atingem quando é tarde demais Que te atingem quando você está deprimida É um jogo de tolos Nada além de um jo...
It's a Heartache [Romanian translation]
Este o durere de inimă Nimic altceva decât o durere de inimă Care te loveşte când este prea târziu Care te loveşte când eşti prăbuşit Este un joc al f...
Cyndi Lauper - I'm Gonna Be Strong
I can see You're slipping away from me And you're so afraid That I'll plead with you to stay, But I'm gonna be strong: I'll let you go your way. Love ...
I'm Gonna Be Strong [French translation]
I can see You're slipping away from me And you're so afraid That I'll plead with you to stay, But I'm gonna be strong: I'll let you go your way. Love ...
I'm Gonna Be Strong [German translation]
I can see You're slipping away from me And you're so afraid That I'll plead with you to stay, But I'm gonna be strong: I'll let you go your way. Love ...
I'm Gonna Be Strong [Polish translation]
I can see You're slipping away from me And you're so afraid That I'll plead with you to stay, But I'm gonna be strong: I'll let you go your way. Love ...
Skeeter Davis - Angel of the Morning
There'll be no strings to bind your hands Not if my love can't bind your heart. And there's no need to take a stand For it was I who chose to start. I...
Angel of the Morning [Czech translation]
Nikdo, ani já, ruce ti nesváže, pokud ani láska má tvé srdce nespoutá. A není nutné za tím si stát, to já rozhodla se něco si začínat. Chápu, nemáš dů...
Dál jen vejdi [Angel of the Morning]
Přicházel s rosou každé ráno na dveře psal mi, že je sám a já si tolik přála jen podlehnout jeho nástrahám. Byl plachý, doteků se bál, když mluvil oči...
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